An Angelic Attunement is a blissful transformation and healing experience during which the angels radiate to you a powerful
feeling of peace, harmony, love and oneness with God. Through an Attunement you are able to transcend your human level of
consciousness and actually communicate telepathically with the angels. The experience also helps you maintain a synchronicity
of vibration with them and a feeling of oneness with love, the energy force that operates in all life.
The gift of Angelic Attunement has been given to planet earth to assist people in transforming their lives through dramatic
changes in their attitudes and the ways in which they live. The experience itself lasts from several seconds to several minutes,
establishing direct communion in the strictest sense of the word with the angels. Its effect lasts as long as you can maintain
your focus and as long as you do not counter its effect by returning to negative thinking and forgetting your place in Gods
Anyone who is acquainted with the angels can receive the assistance of an Angelic Attunement. As long as you believe
in the angels as ministering spirits of God, then you can open yourself to receiving this Attunement. As long as you believe
in the angels as ministering spirits of God, then you can open yourself to receiving this Attunement.
It is accomplished in a balanced co-,mingling of the angels willingness and ability to raise everyone closer to God with
the individuals belief in angelic energy, facility with the powers of civilization, clearness of thought, and the following
prerequisites. Though they are usually done with a conductor, anyone who desires to work with the Attunement energy can
do so.
The first step is desiring the attunement., When you want to attune with the angels, you need not worry about the angelic
realm or how to get there. The song, Never Never Land from the musical Peter Pam expresses it best that it is nor on any
chart,,,, you find it in your heart. This is what finding the angelic kingdom through an Attunement is like.
The next requirement is know precisely what it is that you want to manifest in your life. This is necessary in order
the the magnetic power created during an Attunement to be targeted toward some specific goal. It is as if the energy needs
a target to lock into before it can begin building a vortex. So before you attempt your Attunement exercise, think about
what it is you want to manifest.
Remember that because the angels are working toward your highest good and the highest good of all Gods creation, the
goals you select must be honorable ones. Remember also that there is no such thing as an unrealistic goal.
The main criterion is that your goal be for the highest good of all concerned, as your Attunement is to be a linking with
the oneness of all life. Understand that you can have whatever it is you desire, but first you must release all sense of
limitation as you enter into you Angelic Attunement.
Pause for a moment and think about your life. What is it that you really want? In order to help you determine this,
ask yourself these questions,,,, and do not be afraid to write down your answers for future reference.
1. What do I want spiritually? Do I want to be closer to God? Do I want to experience a relationship with the angels?
2. What do I want mentally? Do I want to learn something new? Use more of my mind?
3. What do I want emotionally? Is there an emotion that always gets the better of me that I would like to diffuse?
4. What do I want physically? Do I wish to have more energy? Healing of some particular ailment?
5. What do I want financially? Would I like to be making more money? What would I do with that additional money>
6. What do I want career wise? Am I happy in my present job? Am I happy where I work?
7. What do I want socially? Would I like a rewarding new relationship? Am I looking for new friends?
The idea is to look closely at every area of your life and ask yourself what goals you would like to set for yourself.
Once you have determined what it is you want to manifest in your life, state it out loud in the form of a decree. For example:
Beloved Presence of God I AM in me, I decree that I AM deserving of a fulfilling relationship in my life.
Once you have decided what it is you want and have decreed for it by utilizing the power of words, you are almost ready
to proceed with Angelic Attunement.
Remember that once you express the desire to visit the angels through an Attunement exercise and clearly identify what
you desire, you will be assisted by them in raising your consciousness high enough in order for the Attunement to take place.
The Attunement energy will help you visualize your lifes goal and direct your most positive thoughts to achieving it.
So its important that you have this clearly in mind.
Then as the guardian influence or angel is ever before the face of the father, through same may that influence ever speak
but only by the command of or attunement to that which thy idea. Another factor that will help your attunement be successful
is purifying your aura.
For these purposes, simply desiring to be one with the vibration of the angels can help neutralize the negative energies
around you and in your aura.
It works similarly to your basic meditation and healing sessions. However the difference is that in an angelic attunement
such purification of the aura increases in manifestation once you and the angels start the energy flowing. It is like a positive
domino effect.
Through an angelic attunement you experience the sense or revelation that you are love, you are truth and you are light.
The transformational vibration from the realms of celestial angelic light aligns you so you can move forward with clarity
and vision toward what you desire for yourself. In earthly terms I like to think that the angels give you a tune up and angelic
at tune ment.
When you express your desire to improve your life through such an experience, the members of the angelic kingdom who can
assist you in your growth are automatically drawn to you. They are drawn to you even as you are reading this.
William Bloom explains it as follows.
Devas of spiritual growth will begin to be attracted. They work in the atmosphere around the individual helping to keep
it clean and magnetically pure,,,and keep the atmosphere spiritually playful and sympathetically helpful to the individual.
What makes a angelic attunement so unique is how the energy affects you at hidden levels, actually helping to unify and
align your subtle bodies. The angels integrate the activities of the seven components of your being during the Angelic Attunement
The result is that God is then better able to manifest his ones through you continuously on physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual levels. The reason is that you are less in HIS way.
Spirit-Soul-Physical Body-Etheric Body-Astral Body-MIND=
An angelic attunement is, in fact a seven level process that aligns the seven compotents of body, mind and spirit,,,,
the physical, etheric and astral bodies, the conscious, subconscious and superconscious elements of your mind and your spirit
or soul.
The physical body is the component with which we are most familiar. This body is merely a three-dimensional representation
of the higher, invisible bodies. It is the physical body that does all the action in the physical world.
We are in the midst of transformational times on this planet. The changes we are experiencing, such as a feeling that
time is passing quickly are both wonderful and somewhat frightening at the same time. Stuart Wilde refers to the speeding
up of energy as the quickening. These changes are generally experienced in the physical body, which is also that part of
us where disease manifests.
This emphasizes the importance of harmonizing the
relationship between the physical and etheric bodies. The angels understand this relationship. It is one of the main
reasons why Angelic Attunements are beneficial.
The physical body is a carbon copy of the etheric body which provides the intelligence that abuilds and maintains the
physical organs and tissue. The etheric body provides a balancing function in the physical body. If you lose a limb, the
etheric field that surrounded that physical structure takes a while to dissipate. This has been experienced as phantom pain
by amputation victims who still feel the sensation of a limb that no longer physically exists.
During this time of change, we see a greater awareness in the relationship of health and harmony between the etheric and
physical bodies. People are becoming more aware that disease can be best understood as disease caused by a disharmony or
lack of ease in their emotional or mental makeup.
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Note From The Author:
Any information given on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Any person
with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or therapist.
Also Author does not take credit for all information accumulated on this site. This is an informative site requiring massive
reseach on the internet and through books.
All effort has been given to accredit information to rightful authors.