Healing Journeys

What Is A Spiritual Healer?
What have I downloaded into my mind?
Why Would God become a Man
What Is A "Spiritual Path"
How Do I Connect With My Higher Self
"Fear is the foundation of all human limitations."
A Reminder Of The Principles Of Life
What is the Human Spirit
What Is A Soul
Understanding The Body
Understanding Our Emotions
Handling Emotional Attacks Against Us
Angelic Attunement
The Rules for Being Human
Know Thyself
Lifes Natural Rhythm
The Universe-Kindergarten For Man
The Power of "Not Knowing"
Pride (The human condition)
I asked Creator
Walking Through When Doors Open
Causes Of Ill Health
Alternative Medicine
What is Holistic Health?
Spiritual Healing
What Can Spiritual Healing Do For Me?
What Is A Spiritual Healer?
Interviewing Prospective Healers
What Is Human Energy
Magnetic Energy Therapy
Aromatherapy and You
The Power Of Woman0 A Look At The Women Of The Bible
Foundation For Good Health
Spiritual Guides
A Special Goodnight
Yoga and Meditations
The Kama Sutra Magic
Animal Medicine Powers
Definition Of Colors and Auras
Herbal Medicine
Past Lives and Karma
Addictions/Sexual Disorders
What is Love
Stone Therapy
Therapeutic Touch
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Love is the force that motivates any healing entity-love for mankind, animals, plants and the universe. The most important thing in being a healer is that he/she has said to being used as an instrument for healing.

This means, having and developing a love for all that exists and a strong desire to be of service. Healers are ordinary people, like their patients, which means that they, too, are at different levels of personal development.

This has a lot to do with how a healer works, whether he specializes in certain complaints or accepts whatever comes his way.

It also determines whether a healer is prepared to involve himself in the whole range of lifes circumstances where healing may have a positive effect.

When the healer attunes himself to become a channel for healing energies, his mind reaches levels beyond the physical. It must do so for this is where healing energies originate.

Once the healers being is attuned in this way, it allows three basic processes to take place.

(1) He is receptive to healing power and able to use it consciously himself.

(2) He has the ability to allow entities on other levels to direct and assist him in how to use healing power

(3) He has the capacity to allow these entities to use his own energy systems to manifest their healing abilities through him. The healer reaches out to higher levels to create an energy link through which other entities may work.

A temporary force field is built up around the healer and patient into which entities on other frequencies can act with complete freedom.

These have come to be known as spirit helpers. Those spirit helpers who act as teachers, often for the whole of a healers life and beyond, are known as guides.

The close relationship between guide and healer is based on a bond of love.

Apart from teaching and counseling, the healer and the guide can ensure that the best resources are made available to him during the healing sessions. The guide also sets up suitable protective conditions around both healer and patient at these times.

The capacity to create an energy field where such highly skilled entities can operate, gives the healer instant access to a range of treatments, covering any health condition.

This is why most healers will work with whoever comes to them, with whatever condition, because experience has given them total confidence in their spirit helpers.

Most healers do not try to predetermine the results of a treatment and only ask that what is right for the patient should take place.

Some visualize the patient in a field of protection, radiating good health. This positive thought projection does much to support the patient on other levels, especially when physical problems persist.

Spiritual Healers do not diagnose, prescribe for, or claim to treat, prevent, mitigate or cure disease conditions, but work with vibrational spiritual energies with the informed consent of clients.

Healing Journeys urges anyone who suspects a disease condition to consult an appropriate health care practitioner, as spiritual healing is not a substitute or replacement for medical treatment but rather works with orthodox medicine to compliment the persons illness in totality.

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Note From The Author: Any information given on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or therapist. Also Author does not take credit for all information accumulated on this site. This is an informative site requiring massive reseach on the internet and through books. All effort has been given to accredit information to rightful authors.