It appears that this true essence of the Holy Spirit joins Himself to our own human spirit in some wondrous way which we cannot
hope to understand while still in the human flesh. Of course, we do not become perfect and we will still make many mistakes
but, perhaps, the fogs and mists caused by human depravity start to clear even while we ourselves remain partly subject to
that depravity in our physical bodies and lives.
The Lord God Breathed the 'Breath of Life' into Adam (Gen. 2:7), Job Confirms that there is a 'Spirit in Man,' (Job 32:8)
and Ecclesiastes Tells us that This Spirit Returns to God When We Die (Ecc. 12:7)
But What Is This 'Spirit'
In our consideration of this topic we should point out that our consideration will be from the perspective of Christian
The Bible speaks of 'spirit' purely in conjunction with Man. Job spells it out and explains what it imparts:
'But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding.' (Job 32:8).
Human beings are not only flesh and blood but also have this spiritual component, or 'spirit essence.'
Job also confirms for us that this was imparted with 'the breath of the Almighty.'
This 'spirit' appears to be responsible for that particular mental/emotional aspect of human being and existence which
is wholly immaterial: that is, this 'spirit' can never be 'counted,' 'added' or 'weighed up.'
The origin of 'spirit' in the Latin, Hebrew and Greek languages always denotes: wind, breath, or, blowing. The Latin noun
'spiritus' can describe vigour, breath, courage
'Soul'is a little more tricky; biblically it can refer to life or existence, as well as referring to Man's spirit essence.
But in the Old Testament, 'soul' is most often translated from 'nephesh,' meaning 'life,' and does not necessarily tell
us anything about the 'human spirit.' (It is essential to also check out the meaning of Souls.)
So 'spirit' essentially refers to the human properties of inner consciousness, intellect, emotion, motivation, thinking,
planning, longing, and it empowers all such intellectual/mental/spiritual properties;
We could do none of these things and have none of this inner mental/spiritual life but for that spirit of life which
the Lord breathed into the nostrils of the First Man (Genesis 2:7).
Breath, which the Lord gave to the first couple comes from 'Nashamah' meaning strong wind, blast, or inspiration. The
Lord God had made Man differently to the animals because He had designed us to function 'in the image of God' so we have this
divine spark breathed into us by the Lord Himself.
So the spiritual area of human life (and even the poets have comprehended this) is that area concerned with feelings,
emotions, anger, intellect, inner passion, enthusiasm, fear, turmoil and inspiration. None of this could ever be weighed up
or counted - it has nothing to do with human flesh!
So - it might be said - that something which those who believe in God (and to a lesser degree, even poets!), have always
understood, is only now beginning to be unraveled and explained by scientists.
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Note From The Author:
Any information given on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Any person
with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or therapist.
Also Author does not take credit for all information accumulated on this site. This is an informative site requiring massive
reseach on the internet and through books.
All effort has been given to accredit information to rightful authors.