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Spiritual meaning of numbers

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Numbers exude vibrations that resonate with all energy, and strike individual chords upon the harp strings of the Universe.

The spiritual meaning of numbers comes from the understanding that all things have vibrational frequencies assigned to them. Every number has a certain power, which is expressed both by its symbol to denote its representation and by its connection to universal principles. Numbers have relationships with all things in nature, thus making them supremely powerful symbolic expressions.

Below is a simple guide to the spiritual meaning of numbers.

One's primarily deal with strong will, positivity, pure energy. The number One reflects new beginnings, and purity. When the symbolic meaning of the number One is further clarified when we understand that One represents both kinds of action, physical and mental. This combined with the One's urgency for new beginnings, we begin to see that when One's recur in our lives it is time to exert our natural forces, take action, and start a new venture. One encourages us that our action will be rewarded in kind.

The symbolic meaning of number Two is kindness, balance, tact, equalization, and duality. The number Two reflects a quiet power of judgment, and the need for planning. Two beckons us to choose. The spiritual meaning of number Two also deals with exchanges made with others, partnerships (both in harmony and rivalry), and communication. Two's urge us our of our indecision, calls us to unite with like-minds, and like-ideals, as well as exert our natural flow of judgment to do what is best for our souls.

The spiritual meaning of number Three deals with magic, intuition, fecundity, and advantage. The number Three invokes expression, versatility, and pure joy of creativity. Three is also a time identifier as it represents Past, Present and future. Consecutive Three's in your life may symbolize the need to express yourself creatively, or consider your present directional path in relation to your past events and future goals. Three's may also represent promising new ventures, assurance of cooperation from others you may require help from, and Threes typically symbolize reward and success in most undertakings.

The symbolic meaning of number Four deals with stability, and invokes the grounded nature of all things. Consider the four seasons, four directions, four elements all these amazingly powerful essences wrapped up in the nice square package of Four. Four's represent solidity, calmness, and home. A recurrence of Four's in your life by signify the need to get back to your roots, center yourself, or even "plant" yourself. Four's also indicate a need for persistence and endurance.

The spiritual meaning of number Five deals with travel, adventure, and motion. With the high's that come with these attributes, Five's also carry instability and unpredictability, and radical changes with them. The spiritual meaning of Five's draw our attention to the wonder of life, and beckon us to appreciate the perception of chaos all around us. Five's have wild vibrations: primitive, and erratic. When Five's continue to pop up in your life, be prepared for some shaking up in your life, or get ready to go on a trip of some sort. Remember, trips aren't all necessarily taken physically. Some of the best journey's are taken in the mind and spirit.

The symbolism behind number Six is legend. With Venus as it's ruler, Six represents harmony, balance, sincerity, love, and truth. Sixes naturally reveal solutions for us in a calm, unfolding manner. We invoke the Six when we need delicate diplomacy when dealing with sensitive matters. The spiritual meaning of number Six also deals with enlightenment; specifically "lighting" our path in areas where we require spiritual and mental balance. Sixes beckon us to administer compassion, and consciously choose forgiveness in a situation.

Seven's like Three's deal with magical forces. However, unlike Three's, Seven's deal with esoteric, scholarly aspects of magic. Representative of scholarly activities, mystery, and active seeking of esoteric knowledge. Seven's deal with the activation of imagination, and manifesting results in our lives through the use of conscious thought and awareness. Ruled by Saturn, Seven's can represent impractical dreaming, but with a deeper understanding of the aspects of Seven, you can quite deftly utilize it's magic vibration to your own benefit.

The symbolism backing number Eight deals largely with business, success, and wealth. This is Largely due to the fact that Eight represents continuation, repetition, and cycles. Such elements are seen in arenas where success is obtained simply because of dogged determination and repitition by the practitioner. Also, matters of business and wealth largely depend on cycles to fulfill their manifestation. It's like the snowball analogy: As it continues to roll, in gets bigger and bigger with each revolution.

The spiritual meaning of number Nine bring us to the very height of vibrational frequencies in this number sequence. Nine's represent attainment, satisfaction, accomplishment, and our success to achieve an influence on our circumstances. The spiritual meaning of number Nine deals with intellectual power, inventiveness, influence over situations and things. Nine beseeches you to recognize your own internal attributes, and extend these abilities out into the world to make a positive, influential difference.

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Note From The Author: Any information given on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or therapist. Also Author does not take credit for all information accumulated on this site. This is an informative site requiring massive reseach on the internet and through books. All effort has been given to accredit information to rightful authors.