Healing Journeys

Animal Medicine Powers
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Animal Medicine Powers
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Invoking Animal Medicine Powers The wisdom of the native, tribal and ancient peoples of the world teach us that Wolf and Ant, Eagle and Mouse, Dolphin and Sparrow have great medicine powers.

Animals will share these spirit gifts with us, if we but ask. Many tribal peoples consider the animals as our wise grandparents, for they evolved before us and witnessed our own evolution. The last few hundred years prove how destructive we humans become without the guidance of our animal forebears. It is now time to renew our ancient bond with the animal clan, and to walk once again in the protection of their wisdom and their guidance.

Native and tribal peoples call upon particular Animal Spirits to fill them with their empowering energies. We can do this too. This is often called "invoking." Invocation is a form of prayer we use to call the powers of various animals into ourselves. When we invoke, we actually invite the spirit of the animal to live within us or be very near us for a while, so that we might share their power. When we pray to or invoke an animal, we are actually appealing to the spirit of the entire species.

For example, when we invoke Wolf, we call in the wisdom, experience, power and understanding of all wolves who are living or who have ever lived. A very simple way to invoke an Animal Spirit is to simply visualize and call upon it. For example, perhaps you need to become more adaptable and clever. You might visualize Fox and say something like, "Fox Spirits, I am calling to you. Live within me and fill me with your cleverness."

Giving Thanks, Giving BackFinally, when we use or tap animal spirit powers it is important to give thanks to the animals we have invoked. It is also very important to treat animals on the earth plane with respect and caring. We do not tap the enrgies of Eagle and then do nothing to protect Eagle. For instance, farming pesticides destroy Eagle's offspring by weakening the eggshells. We can buy or grow organically grown food in order not to support the pesticide industry that threatens Eagle. We are missing the point if we invoke Fox and then buy a Fox fur coat. We must educate ourselves about how we can give back to the animals. For we seek true friendship and alliance with the Animal Spirits, and we realize that we are part of the circle of life -- of giving, receiving and giving again. At the end of this article you will find addresses of groups and associations that help animals
Some people find it helpful to look at a picture or statue of the animal they are invoking.

To sum up, you might invoke by visualizing, calling to or moving like that animal, or by anything that helps you identify with the animal you wish to invoke, so that you may take on their qualities and powers.

Here is a brief, partial list of organizations and associations that help and protect animals. For just as we appeal to the spirit powers of animals for wisdom, power, health and happiness, so do we steward and protect animals in return.

PETA WWF Earth Island Institute Center for Marine Conservation Greenpeace Friends of the Sea Otter


www.animalspirits.com - Cached
Learn wisdom of 300 animal helpers.
www.animalspirits.com/index1.html - Cached

ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES & TOTEMS. BY TAKATOKA. I think I could turn and live with animals, ... As humans, we too are animal spirits. ...
www.manataka.org/page291.html - 93k - Cached

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Note From The Author: Any information given on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or therapist. Also Author does not take credit for all information accumulated on this site. This is an informative site requiring massive reseach on the internet and through books. All effort has been given to accredit information to rightful authors.