To the clairvoyant, the aura appears as an egg shaped swirl of light and energy encircling the individual. In the average
individual, it is somewhat symmetric in shape, with a constantly changing and swirling color pattern. It extends anywhere
from twelve to eighteen inches from the periphery of the physical form; the first 3/4-inch to one-inch being somewhat clear
and vibrantly iridescent in appearance.
The aura reflects certain aspects of the individual. It reflects the general health and vitality of the person, the over
all, as well as current, emotional state of the person, the mental and psychological patterns exhibited by the individual,
and the spiritual nature of the soul and spirit.
Therefore, depending upon these various factors, the aura can be vibrantly expansive and full of the most beautiful pastel
shades of color, or it can be very tightly knit to the body, with a murky and almost threatening appearance to it.
If the individual tends to respond to the higher prompting of the Spirit, the aura will tend to flare outward toward the
top, indicating a strong connection with the higher aspects of life. If the person reacts more to the lower nature, the aura
will appear to be somewhat bottom heavy, indicating that there is a strong connection to the earthly or lower side of life.
It is important to state that it is not the colors appearing within the aura that reflect the general nature of the soul,
but rather the quality and clarity of the colors. Colors have both a positive and a negative aspect to them.
Color and the Aura
It is always tricky business to offer a categorical analysis of what the various colors within the aura mean; people's
feelings and interpretations of what they perceive within the aura vary quite a bit. I agree with W.E. Butler, when he states
in his book How To Read the Aura:
"I have found that almost every person who develops psychic vision tends to have his own individual meaning which
he attaches to the colors he sees, and for him these meanings are correct. Another psychic may well have a different set of
meanings, and for him these may also be correct.
"The trouble arises when an attempt is made to enforce a system which shall be true to all. It can be done, and in
certain occult schools it is done, but it takes a lot of hard work."
There does, however, seem to be consensus of opinion and feeling regarding the major colors within the human aura. Ancient
wisdom has been a tremendous source of insight here. Having said this, I share with you what my experiences in working with
the human aura have revealed to me. I offer this table of color analysis only as a guideline in your quest for meaning and
interpretation of the aura.
- A Brief Guideline to Color and the Aura -
RED Red generally indicates the status of physical life, or the personality. Its presence, in abundance, within the aura
reflects a person who is more objective, earthy, mundane, and personal in nature. In a positive state, red indicates the presence
of an energizing and vitalizing force which tends to drive the individual in his or her earthly affairs. It also denotes the
higher aspect of love and sexuality. In its negative state, red signifies anger (expressed or repressed), an over-zealous
drive to succeed, and unbalanced energies of love-sexuality.
ORANGE Orange is a blend of red and yellow. It is the true color of the sun. Its presence within the aura signifies creativity,
preservation, and regeneration. An abundance of radiant orange indicates a person who could be an excellent magnetic healer.
The positive shades indicate thoughtfulness, consideration, and a constructive use of creative consciousness. Negative shades
indicate laziness, repression, aggressive sexuality and destructive consciousness.
YELLOW Yellow is the color of the intellect. How it blends with other colors, especially red and orange, indicates how
one's intellectual prowess is used: either in a positive and constructive manner; or in a negative and destructive manner.
Where yellow is seen coming from above, it indicates a more inspired mental consciousness. When it is seen flooding the lower
half of the aura, it indicates more mundane and analytical thought. When yellow is murky in color, blended with brown, gray,
or black, it indicates a person who uses the power of mind for evil intents; i.e., black magic. When blended with murky green,
it indicates resentment and jealousy. Yellow is a rather significant color, because it lies midway within the personality
(please note, not the complete) color spectrum of red-orange-yellow-green-blue. A person's mind-consciousness is, in many
ways, his or her identity stamp. Yellow can be tinged by red, to make orange; thus, the person uses his or her mental faculties
for more earthly and mundane affairs. Yellow can also be tinged with blue, to make green, indicating a person who uses his
or her mental faculties in a more subjectively inspired manner.
GREEN Green is midway within the color spectrum; therefore, it is the color of balance and harmony. It is also the color
of the soul, reflecting the fact that the soul is the liaison between the spirit and the earthly/bodily personality. Because
green is midway in the color spectrum, it can very easily be "influenced" by higher and lower aspects of the person.
When green is "dragged down" within the aura and appears murky, it indicates a person who is rather jealous of what
others have, possessive, selfish, cunning, and manipulative. "Green with envy" is a truism, based on the aura. A
very murky green indicates chronic depression. When illumined from above, it denotes a person who seeks to expand his or her
own, as well as the general, sense of individuality; one who is well balanced, sympathetic, and compassionate.
BLUE Blue is the color of spiritual power, higher mental and psychic faculties, and the subjective mind. It is difficult
to assess blue, because most people find all shades of this color to be rather beautiful. However, there are negative aspects
to blue which indicate self-imposing struggle, a sense of martyrdom, and melancholy. For the most part, although not always,
the presence of blue within the aura is a positive statement. Its lack within the aura says as much as its presence. This
is generally true of the higher colors of blue, indigo, violet, and white.
INDIGO Indigo is blue with a small amount of clear red. The red in indigo intensifies the blue and gives it greater power.
Indigo indicates a rather high degree of selfless spirituality. Its presence within the aura denotes a person who is earnestly
seeking spiritual truth, for positive and selfless ends. Its absence within the aura speaks as loudly as does its presence.
VIOLET Violet is blue, mixed with the higher vibrations of rose pink (indicative of love). Violet denotes an even higher
aspect of spirituality and selfless love. The aura of a master is said to be violet, turning to lavender (because of the influx
of white). In essential nature, violet borders on the cosmic. Its presence appears only when the individual has made serious
commitment to some spiritual and/or humanitarian cause AND is guided by higher consciousness in that commitment. Violet and
indigo are colors of the soul's body (also known as the causal body) and require many lifetimes of selfless study and service
in order to appear within the aura. To digress, an interesting note to violet is this: people love to project violet light
or thought rays to others. Violet is a powerful color, which should never be projected to an individual in excess. Why? Because
it can awaken higher centers of consciousness and energy, before the individual is spiritually prepared for such centers to
be awakened. This can have an adverse effect by causing depression and severe melancholy. Use violet with care, moderation,
and patient understanding.
BROWN Brown generally mixes with and influences the shading of other colors. Its presence reflects some negative condition.
It is generally seen mixing with and tingeing red, orange, yellow, green, and, on occasion, blue. It never shades the colors
of indigo, violet, or white.
BLACK Just as cold is merely the absence of heat and, therefore, not a real force unto itself; black is the absence of
all color and, therefore, indicates the absence of life and the shadow caused by turning away from God and blocking the light.
When it is found within the aura, as a shadow, it indicates a blockage of some kind. When it is found as genuine black, it
indicates the presence of some degree of evil. Evil seeks to block the active presence of good. Please be very careful in
your interpretation of this color.
WHITE White is the perfect color; for it is all color, in perfect balance and harmony. It is the color of the awakened
Spirit; the light of perfection; the light of the Christ and Buddhic consciousness. It is also the Divine Light. White never
originates and emanates from within the human aura; it is always received, through the top of the head, into the aura, where
it clarifies, purifies, and glorifies all the colors, created within that aura, and makes them appear as a glistening rainbow
of light and energy.
Just a brief note on color shades: as stated earlier, it is not so much the color appearing within the aura which reflects
a positive or negative condition; but, rather, the shade of color. Soft, pastel shades generally indicate a positive condition,
while dark, murky, and muddy shades tend to indicate a more negative condition