How many times have you asked why God/Buddha/Great Spirit (or whatever name you use) allows pain, illness and suffering
to exist?
Some think illness happens by accident, or that it is determined by fate, while others see it as a punishment by a Higher
Power for something we have done.
We have forgotten how to understand the inner meaning of illness, pain and suffering. It is my truth that all mental,
emotional and physical manifestations of dis-ease are the result of a metaphysical (spiritual) cause -- the hidden meaning
of illness.
Illnesses have meaning the same way that dreams have meaning. Like symbols in our dreams, our illnesses are messages from
the higher self, which can be interpreted and understood if we pay attention.
However, our illnesses are not the problem, but are merely symptoms or symbols of the real problem. The real problem
is spiritual and results from an imbalance in our thinking, attitudes and feelings.
By describing dis-ease as only relating to the physical body, the medical model has distracted the thoughts of people
from the true origin of dis-ease, and has created fear that only drugs and other intervention can help.
When medical treatment alone is apparently successful, it is nothing more than a temporary fix unless the real non-physical,
spiritual cause has been removed.
Dis-ease can teach us about the lessons we are here to learn. If we are aware of this and work toward dealing with those
lessons, that work can raise us to a higher state of being than before.
Dis-ease is often necessary to teach us a lesson which we have failed to get by other means. It can only be truly healed
when that lesson is learned. That willingness to heal comes from a soul level.
Dr. Bach wrote in Heal Thyself that "dis-ease is in essence the result of conflict between Soul and Mind and will
never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort. No effort directed to the body alone can do more than superficially
repair damage.
This is not a cure since the cause is still there and may at any moment again demonstrate its presence in another form.
The apparent recovery hides from the patient the true cause of the trouble.
If we are to understand our illnesses and the lessons attached to it, we have to stop suppressing certain feelings and
parts of ourselves, and simply take a look at what is going on with us, without judgment. We need to start consciously placing
light into all areas of our life.
That means placing light into those areas that do not seem to be working for us. For anything to evolve, it needs to
have love, light and acceptance.
Many diseases are directly related to or caused by stress, anger, suppressed hostilities and resentments.
There are many times when illness actually serves a purpose for an individual by taking them out of a situation that they
are not happy with.
I am certainly not implying that people really want to be sick, but that their thoughts are part of the co-creation of
what is directly affecting their bodies and their lives in general.
As our spiritual growth unfolds and we begin to pay attention to signals, we will become increasingly aware of how we
create our own reality and how our thoughts, ideas, emotions and beliefs influence the reality we experience around us.
Most often, healing occurs when an individual is ready, and willing, to make some major changes in his or her life.
The achievement of balance and harmony on one level automatically requires and affects balance and harmony in the others.
We must pay attention without judgment to all areas of our lives when we are in a state of imbalance.
Our bodies are merely temporary instruments to be used for the fulfillment of the purposes of our Higher Self. Being aware
of this is the first step toward paying attention to the messages our bodies are sending us. This is the essence of holistic