There are three main levels of being. Physical, Etheric and Spiritual.
Each level of a human being gives off energy.
Vibrating at a higher frequency, surrounding the physical body is a more subtle body, the
Etheric Body. It contains an energy blueprint upon which the physical body is shaped.
It contains the structures (Chakras), which allow us to absorb high frequency
energy of various kinds. These are the force centers or "energy centers" of the human body. These centers
allow energy to flow in and out and contain regulating mechanisms to control this flow. Certian
energies such as emotions are associated with each Chakra.
The whol human body is a receiver of energy. The two systems of the body, the Physical
and the Etheric, are both essential to life and good health. The flow of energy between the two systems is the basis
of healing modatlities, which are designed to remove "energy blockages". The etherc system
governs the physical system of the body. Disease and illness are the manifestations of energy imbalances or "blockages"
in the etheric system and physical symptoms can be traced there. A healing therapist is able to help a client by detecting
energy imbalances/blockages in the seven main Chakras and in the secondary ones which are scattered around the body.
Where this is the cause of the problem, healing acts first on the subtle levels of the body which in turn, act on the physical.
The picture is one of healing energies moving through the energy systems to remove blocks and restore balance. A feeling
of good health is the physical sign that this has occurred.