The Nature of Karma
Question: Alana could you describe the nature of Karma and what it is? Is it something we create from past lives?
Answer: Hello dear one. This is a wonderful question! Thank you for asking it.
Karma is a very interesting creation. It definitely has to do with collective energy. In other words is is something we
co-create. An individual who has karma is thought to be an individual who has leftover business. Or an individual that has
an intention to go through some kind of life lesson, or some kind of pay-back because of leftover residue of experience.
That is the usual interpretation of karma. Alana feels karma is an intention that still exists within the soul. An intention
to either learn something, heal something, express something, or experience something and have it become present in current
Alana also feels that karma is something that can instantaneously be brought to completion. Just the remembrance, and
the awareness about the leftover intention, and coming to peace with it, or coming to an awareness of forgiveness, or understanding
can redirect the course of events.
We do not always have to endure a long ordeal of situations to heal from leftover issues. We can become aware, and through
our awareness can then redirect our lives.
You see, ahead of us are possibilities and probabilities. Probabilities come when we have less conscious attention and
intention. We have probabilities when we move forward from an energy that was created in our past and have forgotten to pay
attention. Possibilities are when we expand our awareness and our being to begin to redirect our lives. As we have intention
and attention, and place desire, we then can manifest.
So, dear one, recognize that karma can be redirected, and that karma can also include experiencing rewards, the delights,
the joys and the pleasures from surrendering to bliss rather than being devoted to struggle.
Thank you dear one, for your question. That was delightful.
Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression
Certified Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist Hypnosis Patrick McKee, C.Ht.
Trained by Michael Newton, Ph.D.
This work is based on the groundbreaking research and instruction of Michael Newton, Ph.D., author of the best-selling
books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. Life Between Lives hypnosis is both an extension of, and evolution beyond, Past
Life Regression.
The techniques of Life Between Lives hypnotherapy allow us access to soul memories while in a state of consciousness we
call the superconscious mind. The success of Life Between Lives hypnotherapy lies in part in the length of the session and
the depth of the trance state. Sessions typically last between three and four hours, sometimes longer.
The Life Between Lives process, also called Spiritual Regression, allows subjects to connect with their soul-self. You
will bridge your physical incarnations and connect with immortal life in the spirit world.
Connected to our eternal self, we are able to see an entire evolutionary karmic growth pattern while mentally residing
in the world between lives that is our true home. We learn why bodies and lives were chosen; the fit between the experiences
encountered in past and present lives; and the lessons they brought.
Past and present human lives are seen as but alter-egos of an eternal identity. In this state of heightened perception
and understanding, clients are able to find the answers to age-old questions such as: “Who am I?” “Why
am I here?” and “Where do I come from?”
One of the most profound spiritual components available to individuals who undergo Life Between Lives spiritual regression
is direct contact with the personal teachers we call spirit guides. These wise beings have been assigned to us since our creation
and directly connect with clients during their sessions. Bringing this experience to a conscious physical state promotes a
transcendental awareness of having a personal relationship with a higher power.
The findings reported by Dr. Michael Newton, developer of LBL work and author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls,
represent some 7,000 LBL cases spanning a period of over 30 years. Dr. Newton’s clients, and those seen by LBL therapists
certified and trained in his methods, report remarkable consistency regardless of the client’s religion, philosophical
orientation, or nationality.
Through years of clinical observation it has been noted that a single LBL session promotes enduring positive changes
to a client’s life and understanding of purpose. Clients consistently report that finding their place both in the
physical world and in the eternal spirit world is the most significant work they have done.
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