God/Creator/Great Spirit/I AM said:
Welcome to this overt world of wonders. Let Me be the street hawker who pulls you in behind the curtain to the show of
wonders for you to see. Each morning, the curtain goes up, and there are wonders to see and wonders to perform. All of this
hearty display is for you.
If the world is a trampoline, the world is here for you to jump on. If the world is an express train, it is here for you
to catch. If the world is a road, you are a hitchhiker on it, or perhaps you are the car toddling down the road that will
pick you up.
That you represent the Universe, and the Universe represents you has been ordained. It is no accident that you are on
Earth. Do not say you did not want to be born, for you desired it very much. You may have forgotten that. Be that as it may,
you were eager to have a chance at life in this world of illusion.
You did not descend to Earth, beloveds. In Heaven there are no directions like up and down, for space is unknown in Heaven.
Only Truth is known in Heaven, and space and time are not truth. The concepts of time and space are considered true on Earth,
but they are illusions, or perhaps more favorably, metaphors. Heaven is concerned only with the irrevocable Truth, Truth as
lasting, eternal, unchangeable, as original as the day Truth first manifested itself in the form known as Earth.
Created by God, what could the Earth be but wondrous? The world may say there are seven wonders, but seven billion wonders
would be more like it. Uncountable wonders would be more like it. There is no end to the wonders on Earth. You are one of
these wonders. You are an indomitable wonder. You are no illusion. You are the real thing, only you may have buried yourself
in illusion. So focused on the illusions of the world, you may have forgotten to look up, for, if you looked up, you would
see that in Heaven, there are no comparisons. There is no focus in Heaven, as you know focus. There is centeredness in joy
There is God. There is no either/or. There is no impossibility. There is no thought that is not illustrious. There is
no yours nor Mine, for all is Mine, and all is yours. And that means all are One, and there is no all.
There is no weight, and therefore there is no weightlessness. The twain do not meet in Heaven. Oneness exults in Haven.
Where Oneness is, is Heaven.
All is worthy. Trust is known, and distrust is not. Fallacies do not exist in Heaven. How could they enter? Judgment does
not enter Heaven. Beings in Heaven are much too happy to bother with judgment. There is no past nor future, not even what
you call present. Remember, the concept of time does not exist. There is no loss nor gain in Heaven where all is complete,
where there is solely fullness of fullness.
There is no entrance, and there is no exit. You have always been here. You have always been a resident of Heaven.
All that Heaven offers, you can avail yourself of now. Nothing has changed but your perception.
All you need now is to perceive for yourself and look up. On Earth, you have learned directions like north and south,
and up and down.
Perceive with new eyes.
Perceive the true colors of the planet Earth.
Author: Unknown