The key energy
block being encountered by healers today is in the heart chakra, the seat of love, compassion and the expression of the higher
For human life
to progress to the next stage, the heart chakra must be unblocked and the energy of love allowed to flow in and out unimpeded.
(Click on following
What Is Love And How Does It Affect My Health And Well Being
The chakra above it, the throat, is the energy focus of expression and communication so that if the heart
chakra is blocked every creative act is stunted.
Intellectual ideas and mental creations which gain their power from the solar plexus will likewise fail
to find their true expression.
most important of all is the expression of love. The heart's impulse must rise towards the crown where it becomes an
outpouring of love towards all creation. On the way it demonstates its healing power in all forms of loving expression
through the throat chakra.
Healers know, through
working with clients, that the energies of the heart chakra are exerting an unrelenting force on humanity. This manifests
in our questioning of love, sex and affairs of the heart; the function of marriage and the family; whether to extend the hand
of help or friendship' realizing our inability to love ourselves.
(Click On Following
Relationships: How Do They Affect My Health And Well Being
Where our bodies are concerned, the pressure manifests as problems of heart disease, coronary breakdown
and diseases of the chest.
The heart chakra also draws attention to the misery and disease brought about by the denial of love, the
last of love, the substitutes for love, the giving of hatred, the abundance of anger and despair and the abusive approach
to all facets of human life.
The heart chakra stands midway between physical and spiritual life. It is the chakra where both forms
of energy are processed.
Spiritual energy moving downwards may be blocked by the heart. This will deny the lower three chakras
the vital energies needed for preparing the human body for personal transformation.
Symbolically, the heart chakra represents this crucial point of balance and transformation.
human being is subject to two main pressures—
to its physical
self, and to its higher self, the link with Spirit/God/Creator, the source of all; But
our purpose is to express the spirit through the physical; to illuminate physical
If we
imagine the two forces of spirit and matter moving towards each other through the chakras, the heart chakra is where they
When this chakra is functioning in harmony with the rest of the energy systems, the two forces are able
to blend.
The transformed
energies continue on their journey through the chakras where they will manifest in the relevant areas of life.
This figure symbolically represents the integrated human being who has created a way of life by which the
spirit can find satisfactory expression.
Because the
whole human body is a receiver of energy, we need also to be aware of how others and the outside world are affecting us--how
much we can control and what measures to take with energies we cannot control.
This is where
the mind and the emotions have an important impact on our lives and our health.
(Click On Following
Complementary/Alternative Medicine/(CAM) For Mental And Emotional Health
Energy blocks
and imbalance are the cause of much physical ill health.
Because the mental and emotional aspects of life are present at all levels, disorders can occur there too.
Thoughts and feelings have a direct bearing on our energy field because they are energies. They interact
with our energy systems to change them in a positive or negative way-- bring about balance or imbalance.
We are affected
by our own thoughts and feelings and we experience the effects in the relevant chakra. (A bit of humor inserted here
that illustrates this point very well...there is a commercial on television, I don't recall what the product is, prop ably
something to do with weight loss, but it shows the lady that eats a cinnamon roll,,,walking away from us, shown to be wearing
that cinnamon roll on her posterior,,,,, a man eating a pizza, wearing it in his gut... Point made in the advertisement.
You are what you eat-- We are what we think and feel
and our emotions have a big impact on our energy systems. Again, we are affected by our own thoughts and feelings and
we experience the effects in the relevant chakra.
(Click On This Link)
Addictions/Intimacy Disorders/Sexual Behaviour Disorders/Sex on the internet
Energies accumulate in the subtle energy system.
If they are positive, they help the energy flow. Negative energies create a blockage to the energy flow.
When these accumulations continue to occur over a period ot time, sooner or later physical organs or systems are affected--the
body's way of alerting us to the problem.