Journey's Power Stones
["Touch,,, and be touched"]
Native peoples have long honored River Rock because they contain the energies both of the
Earth and of the waters on the Earth.
River Rocks were considered to have the medicine of both these elements and to make the water
medicine particularly accessible to people who need it. They were thought to aid people in singing the songs of Earth and
"River Rocks can aid you with healing, cleansing, stabilizing, or changing your life.
Working with River Rocks can release negative patterns, particularly emotional ones. River Rocks
are especially potent if you work with them in their natural surroundings.
These stones are soothing, calming, and healing on deep physical and emotional levels. They
can evoke change that is concrete, tangible, and unshakable.
River Rocks are particularly helpful for problems that arise from growing up in a dysfunctional
family system. They assist people in releasing the old, allowing it to flow away from them."

"Art For the Soul" jewely is designed and hand made using all natural, powerful
river rock from the Red River. Each " Mother Rock" is accented by assorted beads in colors representing the various
energies associated with Mother Earth. Some Mother Rocks are handpainted upon request.
Each piece is created especially for you and your specific needs to empower your
life and assist you with being in harmony with your true nature in order to promote balance and well-being on all
levels,,, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Stones can be created as a necklace, bracelet, anklet, ring, key chain or just on a cord/chain
to hang near you.

The intent of any healer should never be about fixing people but rather helping each
individual to discover and connect with the essence of who they truly are.
Each of us has something of value to contribute to the world. And each of us has the power
to be whole and complete - to live our life experiencing good health and a sense of well being.
I believe in the empowerment [or power] of the individual given through our
higher source to bring our lives and being into harmony with our true nature in order to promote balance and
well-being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
That conviction is witnessed in all my work whether it is through spiritual healing,
spiritual counseling, life coaching, teaching, writing or in creating my "Art For The Soul" Jewelry.
The focus is the same, helping the individual to discover and align themselves
with their own true nature in the way that is most appropriate for them as an individual.
When the vision was given to me a few months ago of "Art For The Soul" Jewelry it was upon
this understanding and concept that I established the foundation for creating my jewelry.

In creating "Art For The Soul" jewelry my intent and focus is on reaching
deep within myself and Mother Earth to tap into the universal flow of energy available to "all' of us and with upmost
unconditional love, capture those energies and wrap them up in each stone I design and present it to you as a physical
symbol of the 'power within us all' to empower you in your spiritual quest to live a more balanced life experiencing
good health and sense of well being as you seek the fullness of God in your life.
Tapping into the
Universal Energies of Mother Earth and empowered by my understanding of universal laws and spiritual principles,
a "mother" stone is chosen to carry and represent all the massive energies of the universe and
Mother Earth.
The "mother stone" in your necklace
serves as the center and the heart beat containing "all " the positive energies available to us from Mother
Earth. Smaller gems and beads are added to assist the mother stone in carrying the "Specific" energies symbolizing
your "Specific" needs.
Mother Earth supports "individuality",
"uniqueness" and "diversity" in all her creations. She has through out time made trillions of gems, stones,
crystals, rocks, that are all created the same way, and yet, each are "unique" carrying its own individual energy.
Following this concept Every
piece in my "Art for The Soul" jewelry is desinged for "each" individual based
on " their" specific needs, therefore each piece is different and carries its own individual energy for the person in
which it was created for.
The focus in "Art For The Soul" jewelry is
not on creating necessarily a "Beautiful" "Elegant"or "Expensive" piece of jewelry but rather a "Functional" Spiritual
piece of jewelry designed to empower us with energy to live a better, healthier, happier life and to help reduce stress
from our daily experiences.
The beauty contained in
" Art for your soul" jewelry may not be visible to the physical eye but lies rather within the stone
itself and the power, energy and unconditional love it carries within the mother stone.