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The Thesaurus describes emotion as spirit, heart, and soul. The five primal emotions are love, happiness, anger, sadness,
and fear. So then, how does love, happiness, anger, sadness and fear, affect our spirit, heart, and soul? If our primal emotions
are attended to, will our spirit, heart, and soul be happy? If we are happy, not angry, not sad, and not in fear, can we feel
Some emotions bring us pleasure, and make us happy; Acceptance, amusement, awe, calmness, comfort, confidence, courage,
desire, delight, elation or euphoria, ecstasy, friendship, glee, gladness, gratitude, happiness, honor, hope, humility, joy,
peace, pride, and zest.
Some emotions cause us to feel bad; agitation, alarm, anger, angst, annoyance, apprehension, apathy, bitterness, boredom,
depression, disappointment, discontentment, disgust, envy, fear, frustration, grief, guilt, hate, horror, jealousy, loneliness,
melancholy, nervousness, negativity, pain, phobia, pity, rage, regret, remorse, resentment, sadness, self-pity, shame, sorrow,
shock, suffering, unhappiness, vulnerability, and yearning.
What emotions do we feel the most? Are they on the positive side or the negative side? The question then becomes, how
do we change the negative emotions to positive?
Can we go to therapy, read self help books, and work on the little things that shouldn’t agitate us? Does every
red light or slow driver have to be an annoyance?
Can we develop our strength of purpose so as not to be apprehensive all the time? What can we do to lift the scars we
hold within, and get rid of our bitterness? Shouldn’t we seek professional help in the quest to alleviate our depression?
Can we find strength from within so we don’t get so easily disappointed?
Would it not be helpful to make a list of what causes us discontentment, and work on that list?
Why must we be frustrated and disappointed while on this beautiful Earth?
There are many reasons, but we don’t have to let them affect our lives on a daily basis.
Envy comes from low self esteem, and if this emotion is explored and healed, the envy will go away. The neighbor next
door with all the pretty flowers won’t be a terrible person, just someone who has beautiful flowers.
Fear is all encompassing, and unfortunately, it takes a lot of self help to overcome it. However, considering the restrictions
it can put on one’s life, it should be dealt with.
Frustration is a hard one. There needs to be peace in our souls before we can be calm enough to let go of frustration.
Grief is just one of those emotions you have to go through. It’s not one of the feelings you have a choice over.
You do, however, have a choice how to deal with it.
Guilt is a debilitating emotion that can bring you down like a ton of bricks. We do what we know how to do, and when
we know better, we do better.
Hate drains us of all our energy, and accomplishes nothing.
Horror is a sad way to feel, and can cause both psychological and physical problems. If our bodies are out of balance,
and our resolve isn’t strong, horror can rule our lives.
Jealousy is simply low self esteem, and no self confidence. It’s a hard emotion to keep under wraps. I am self
confident, but I still feel a twinge when my partner stares too long at a beautiful woman passing by, although, it’s
just a fleeting feeling, since I know our bond is strong.
Loneliness is something we can only do so much about. I lost my husband ten years ago, and was so lonely I
didn’t know how to cope. I moved into the home with my siter and brother in law, began assisting them
in their healing ministry, met some really nice people, started working a part time job for the state in which I was able
to help elderly people. l now have a full life. At night, when the loneliness hits the most, I have just
enough energy to take care of my little chihuahua, feed myself, watch a little TV, and I'm out like a light.
Negativity can drown out all the good the world has to offer. Always seeing the glass half empty simply hurts your soul,
and drains your energy.
Pain is like grief, it needs to be gone through in a healthy way.
Pity can be one thing if it’s over a homeless person with no legs, but it’s not a healing emotion when it’s
pity for yourself. There may be a little laziness involved with that emotion.
Rage is just uncalled for in any situation. It doesn’t change anything, nor does it help any problem.
Regret does nothing for us. Again, we do what we know how to do, and when we know better, we do better.
Remorse is fine in itself, but it doesn’t take away whatever caused the emotion. Instead of being remorseful, try
to do something to change the situation into a more positive end.
Resentment can eat up your soul and leave you empty and barren. It does nothing to the other person, it only weakens
your heart, mind, and body.
Sadness just can’t be helped at times, and needs to be worked through.
Shame can eat you alive if you let it. We all can change, and better our lives, and how we act, and heal the shame we
have inside of us.
Vulnerability should be strengthened so we don’t get taken advantage of and yearning is good if it gives us the
hope to move on to better ways of thinking and acting, and therefore, feeling.
The happy emotions we possess are free, and can be enjoyed if we allow ourselves to enjoy life.
Acceptance is hard, and beneficial to our own welfare. If we can learn to accept people and situations that happen in
our lives, we will be so much more at ease. Calmness comes from acceptance. Once we accept that we broke our antique lamp
that can’t be fixed or replaced, we can rid ourselves of the negative emotions that go with it. Comfort is so very important.
At the end of the day, I want a haven for myself in my bedroom. I have two down featherbeds, and a down comforter, and
down pillows, and nice pictures on my wall, and knick knacks mostly gifts given to me that mean something to me.
This is where I rejuvenate from the day, and prepare for the next, so I want it to be as comfortable as possible.
Confidence is either instilled through childhood, or learned on our own, or not experienced by some. It’s very
important to have confidence in yourself, and what you can accomplish, otherwise, you will accomplish nothing.
Courage is acquired through occurrence, and I believe gets stronger and stronger as we go through life and deal with
what life hands us.
Desire is what makes us get up in the morning, and take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, and do whatever it is
we are involved in. It is a motivator, and a strong emotion. It’s always nice to be delighted over a gift someone may
give you, or a new car, or a new dress. Delight is a happy emotion, and gives us positive energy to push us forward through
this life.
Friendship is essential. We all need someone we can confide in and do things with.
Gratitude generally is forgotten when things are going well, but we need to remember who is calling the shots, and thank our
higher power for our good graces.
Without honor, we have nothing, no one will believe us, help us, lend us anything, or have much to do with us. Honor
also gives us stability in our self esteem, and makes us proud of ourselves.
Hope is the strongest emotion of all. Without hope, there is no desire to move through this life in the best way
we can.
Humility is paramount to us keeping ourselves in check. Whatever we do, we should do from the heart, not as a way of
getting recognition.
If we focus on all these emotions, we should feel pride in ourselves. These feelings and emotions were created by a Higher
Power, and I think it’s up to us to learn how to utilize them to the best of our ability.
Then, and only then, will we find peace of mind.
Journeys Stones are created with this intent in mind to assist you in your quest in finding good health and well being
at all levels, Body, Mind and Spirit.
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any doctors medical advice. In purchasing this jewelry it is understood that the purpose of the jewelry is to enhance
the persons spiritual nature, awareness and enlightment.