Our minds are an incredibly powerful tool, and as you have probably heard before, we only use a small portion of
it every day. Our thoughts play a significant role in how we view the world, and the positive vs negative thoughts we carry
with us can be the foundation for all sorts of things in our lives, both good and bad.
We can control our thoughts and therefore we can control whether our thoughts are positive or negative. Our minds control
our thought processes and can be the catalyst for living a positive, happy life, or a life of doom and gloom. What choices
have you made?
People make out positive thinking to be some mystical process that is only known by a few and is handed down from generation
to generation. While I do believe that these types of skills are passed down from parent to child, I don't believe that there
is anything secretive about them or that only a select few have the capacity to implement in their lives.
Positive thinking is actually very simple, here are a few ways you can get started...and have a positive impact on all
areas of your life:
If you find yourself thinking a negative thought, change it to a positive thought.
Surround your life with positive people, don't allow negativity into your life.
Spend your time on activities that bring you happiness.
Invoke positive memories whenever you can.
Cherish the simple pleasures in your life.
Be around people that make you laugh.
Love yourself.
Serve others by volunteering your time to those less fortunate.
Don't fool yourself into thinking that just because the above ideas are simple, that they will not work. Quite the opposite
is true actually, and it has repeatedly been shown the impact positive vs negative thoughts can have on your life.
If you convey a positive attitude towards others you will by surrounded by people who want to be around you and are positive
themselves. These relationships will only continue to grow and bring more positive energy into your life. The opposite is
true as well, so keep positive thoughts.
Have you heard the old saying "he woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" We have all experienced this ourselves.
For some reason we wake up in a bad mood and our entire day seems to turn out bad. Did you know that you can change this?
Begin each day in a positive manner. Open the drapes to let the sun shine in, put on some of your favorite music, tell
yourself a positive thought or two...whatever it takes to start your positive thinking.
You will be amazed at what these simple changes can bring to your life. Just because these ideas are
simple...does not mean they are easy. That is probably why everyone is not walking around with a positive attitude, because
it takes work, desire, and discipline to live your life in this manner.
It is easier being negative! The choice is yours, you have nobody to blame but yourself, when deciding between
positive vs negative thoughts.