Healing Journeys

The Rules for Being Human
What have I downloaded into my mind?
Why Would God become a Man
What Is A "Spiritual Path"
How Do I Connect With My Higher Self
"Fear is the foundation of all human limitations."
A Reminder Of The Principles Of Life
What is the Human Spirit
What Is A Soul
Understanding The Body
Understanding Our Emotions
Handling Emotional Attacks Against Us
Angelic Attunement
The Rules for Being Human
Know Thyself
Lifes Natural Rhythm
The Universe-Kindergarten For Man
The Power of "Not Knowing"
Pride (The human condition)
I asked Creator
Walking Through When Doors Open
Causes Of Ill Health
Alternative Medicine
What is Holistic Health?
Spiritual Healing
What Can Spiritual Healing Do For Me?
What Is A Spiritual Healer?
Interviewing Prospective Healers
What Is Human Energy
Magnetic Energy Therapy
Aromatherapy and You
The Power Of Woman0 A Look At The Women Of The Bible
Foundation For Good Health
Spiritual Guides
A Special Goodnight
Yoga and Meditations
The Kama Sutra Magic
Animal Medicine Powers
Definition Of Colors and Auras
Herbal Medicine
Past Lives and Karma
Addictions/Sexual Disorders
What is Love
Stone Therapy
Therapeutic Touch
About Healing Journeys Team
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When you were born, you didn't come with an owner's manual; these guidelines make life work better.

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's the only thing you are sure to keep for the rest of your life.

2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "Life on Planet Earth". Every person or incident is the Universal Teacher.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation. "Failures" are as much a part of the process as "success."

4. A lesson is repeated until learned. It is presented to you in various forms until you learn it: then you can go on to the next lesson.

5. If you don't learn easy lessons, they get harder. External problems are a precise reflection of your internal state. When you clear inner obstructions, your outside world changes. Pain is how the universe gets your attention.

6. You will know you've learned a lesson when your actions change. Wisdom is practice. A little of something is better than a lot of nothing.

7. "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" becomes a "here" you will simply obtain another "there" that again looks better than "here."

8. Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another unless it reflects something you love or hate in yourself.

9. Your life is up to you. Life provides the canvas; you do the painting. Take charge of your life, or someone else will.

10. You always get what you want. Your subconscious rightfully determines what energies, experiences, and people you attract; therefore, the only foolproof way to know what you want is to see what you have. There are no victims, only students.

11. There is no right or wrong, but there are consequences. Moralizing doesn't help. Judgments only hold the patterns in place. Just do your best.

12. Your answers lie inside you. Children need guidance from others; as we mature, we trust our hearts, where the Laws of Spirit are written. You know more than you have heard or read or been told. All you need to do is to look, listen, and trust.

13. You will forget all this.

14. You can remember any time you wish.

Authors Details: Unknown Author

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Note From The Author: Any information given on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or therapist. Also Author does not take credit for all information accumulated on this site. This is an informative site requiring massive reseach on the internet and through books. All effort has been given to accredit information to rightful authors.