Healing Journeys

What is Holistic Health?

What have I downloaded into my mind?
Why Would God become a Man
What Is A "Spiritual Path"
How Do I Connect With My Higher Self
"Fear is the foundation of all human limitations."
A Reminder Of The Principles Of Life
What is the Human Spirit
What Is A Soul
Understanding The Body
Understanding Our Emotions
Handling Emotional Attacks Against Us
Angelic Attunement
The Rules for Being Human
Know Thyself
Lifes Natural Rhythm
The Universe-Kindergarten For Man
The Power of "Not Knowing"
Pride (The human condition)
I asked Creator
Walking Through When Doors Open
Causes Of Ill Health
Alternative Medicine
What is Holistic Health?
Spiritual Healing
What Can Spiritual Healing Do For Me?
What Is A Spiritual Healer?
Interviewing Prospective Healers
What Is Human Energy
Magnetic Energy Therapy
Aromatherapy and You
The Power Of Woman0 A Look At The Women Of The Bible
Foundation For Good Health
Spiritual Guides
A Special Goodnight
Yoga and Meditations
The Kama Sutra Magic
Animal Medicine Powers
Definition Of Colors and Auras
Herbal Medicine
Past Lives and Karma
Addictions/Sexual Disorders
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Stone Therapy
Therapeutic Touch
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All Disease Processes involve the whole person. Physical, Mental, Spiritual, social and/or all other dimensions.

That's what the self-care movement is all about. Seven hundred courses of self help are being given in at least 40 state patterned after how to help youself. The self-care movement has grown in a period when all authorities, including physicians, are being challenged by a skeptic public. The self-care movement suggests that we learn the risks of our particular way of living, so we can make sensible changes.

The question comes to our mind, "does self-help work"? Yes it does. A tooth is extracted, then starts to bleed. A trip to the emergency room costs $75.00/ A Lipton tea bag only 2 cents. Most busy physicians encourage us to practice self-care. In order for a body to be healthy we have to take care of it daily.

Since you usually act as your own doctor anyways why not learn how to do a good gob of it? we all understand that there are situations in which you need surgical and medical help. But, take responsibility for your "wellness" (not sickness) by learning all you can about your body and its care.

What is Holistic Health?
You hear the term a lot these days, but few people seem to know what it means. As Dr. Norman Sealy, President of the American Holistic Medical Association says, "Holistic medicine is like God, You can't quite put your finger on it...it's everywhere....and everything."

"This is Wholism:
living each moment and experience to the hilt, with full mind-awareness, spirit awareness; letting oneself be washed and cleansed by the pure stream of thankfulness and appreciation." Fran Atkinson

And Jesus said, "I make you whole" which means all faculties of all dimensions together. The physical body is dependent on your emotional faculties and your mental outlook is the watch tower.

Health is balance. Balance of all aspects of your being, physical, mental, spiritual.

When it comes to balancing your own health, you always let someone else do it. You can manage and balance your own household, your environment, your business and your check book but when it comes to balancing your health health you quit. Why? Because you shy away from the work it takes to balance your body chemistry.

When it comes to your own thinking and emotions you quit and go to a psychiatrist or counselor or you go to your minister, your friends, you visit the card reader, the palm reader, the tea leaf reader, the crystal ball gazer when you, yourself, could do a much better job by yourself. Of course, you need tools to do so and you can find those tools on the internet and through many books. The daring is yours, the work is yours, the determination is yours, but God is with those who help themselves and the Lord is with you.

There are 7 fundamental causes of illness in the spiritual and emotional realm and 7 causes in the physical realm. Usually they are not clear cut. They are interwoven and one has to diligently undo the many knots one by one to bring back balance.

Balance is the key word of nature, Balance is the key word of Health.

7 fundamental causes of illness:




4.Metals And Other Poisons

5.Worms And Parasites


7.Miasm And Residue

1. NEGLECT is one of the 7 physical causes of ill health, and we all neglect our body's needs. IT is our fault that we do not educate ourselves about the "stuff" we are made from. Did we have our daily vitamins today? Did we go for a brisk walk? Did we do deep inhaling and exhaling? Did we sleep enough? All these things are essential and we are the only ones to decide if we want to neglect our body and become a burden to our beloved ones, or if we want to do our part to stay well.

This is our choice, and our choice alone.

2. TRAUMA: Injuries are not only accidents. Injuries also are operations. An injury rocks the aura, an operation cuts the aura. An injury offsets the aura, an operation makes holes into the aura. Therefore, an aura has to be mended after it is hurt.

Shock will injure the aura. In all cases of injuries there are 2 things to be done.

(1) Heal the injured part

(2) Heal the Aura.

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Please review the introduction to my new book "Against The Wind" to be completed in 2010 Follow the link................

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Note From The Author: Any information given on this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or therapist. Also Author does not take credit for all information accumulated on this site. This is an informative site requiring massive reseach on the internet and through books. All effort has been given to accredit information to rightful authors.