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Friday, 26 December 2008
Topic: Points of crisis


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by Gary Springfield

The word initiation means to initiate action with impeccability, the synonym of impeccability being purity of heart. In our spiritual growth the initiations that we pass through are successive periods of spiritual tension, also known as points of crisis, where we learn how to embody more of the three divine qualities of power, wisdom and love. When we successively pass through these points of crisis our actions are then initiated from a higher place in consciousness that is ever more pure, loving and wise.

In some spiritual teachings and wisdom schools they enumerate the minor initiations where you are taught how to release some of the grosser aspects of the personality such as aggressiveness, moodiness, and emotionality in general. This is all well and good, but once we have stepped onto the path of spirituality, and have made a commitment to walk the narrow path that leads to the inner Christ, then goodness, grace, and love should already be a major part of our self-expression.

For our study here we will discuss the major initiations, which are four in number and are called the birth, the baptism, enlightenment and transfiguration. These lead to the fifth initiation which is the level of the Master who can no longer be limited and over shadowed even by our physical world of form. Like Christ, these individuals heal the ill and infirm, are able to manifest loaves and fishes and even raise the dead. The Master is able to traverse the spiritual realms of light, as well as the physical realms, in full consciousness and is the custodian of arch-typical information that sets the stage for the evolutionary awakening of mankind for thousands of years in the future.

It is said that over two thousand years ago there was a divine plan that was set in motion by the Masters of the Wisdom that began to prepare the land, that we now know as America, for the unfolding of a new life wave of humanity. In this grand scheme brave Souls would sail the seas and discover a New World where the virtues of truth, demoracry and freedom could be embodied for the first time in Earth’s history. Through subsequent conflict and crisis this new and vibrant seed would be called upon to spread the word of freedom throughout the world and, overtime, this would eventually usher in the new Golden Age of Peace on Earth. We are the progeny of this seed and through our spiritual awakening and transformation the divine flowers of wisdom, love and joy are blooming in our hearts and minds. This sweet perfume, of spiritual hope for the world, is now wafting through the ethers, inviting all of humanity into a place of peace and plenitude.

In the major initiations the first initiation is called the birth of the Christ child. It is during this point of spiritual training that we, as the now awakened and indwelling Soul, begin to impose a new rhythm of balance and harmony upon the physical body. Up until now the physical body has often been an automaton that has demanded that it’s baser appetites of food, drink, sexuality and sensuality be fed at its whim and desire. With the awakening of the indwelling spirit, or Soul, you learn how to monitor and watch the physical body, feeding it foods that are higher vibrational and more appropriate for spiritual development. The monkey mind of superfluous thoughts and inane chatter is trained through meditation and spiritual practices to rest within this new found silence as an instrument of the Soul. Even sexual energy is no longer squandered for the shear pleasure of the experience and it slowly evolves to become an intimate sharing of communion and union between two Souls. These individuals have learned how to love themselves first of all and, with that love, share it….rather than give it away in a chimerical need to be validated and accepted.

At the same time within the second chakra, which is a hands breadth below the navel, as well as the symbolic area of the womb in both men and women, you can begin to feel the stirring of a new life force. This is the awakening and the birth of the magical child within you. Up until now most people have lived from their woundedness; needing to be validated and accepted by someone or something in the outer world in order to feel good enough about themselves. In our society the unresolved wounds of childhood create the proverbially masks that people wear in order to make themselves good enough in the eyes of family, friends or the world. Money, power, sex and glamour are the acceptable masks of society while the dysfunctional masks of drugs, alcohol, obesity and psychological disorders are condemned. Nonetheless, all of these masks are but a call for love from a magical child-like part of each human being that wanted to be unconditionally loved just for who they are and not for what they do.

When we begin to recognize and love the inner child we reconnect with that pure and perfect essence that was seeded into the child at our biological birth. This is the Divine light of the Soul that is symbolic of the inner Christ. Your mother and father prepared a physical body, but the authentic life force that animated the physical body is the indwelling spirit that descended from the wisdom realm of the Soul. The first initiation is the reawakening of this Divine essence within you through your own power, wisdom and love. With this birth initiation you are now called forth to become the mother and the father of the newly awakened inner child. With great patience, dedication and spiritual resolve you will nurture and grow this Divine child within you until, eventually, it will grow forth to become one of the awakened Sons and Daughters in Christ.

This is why you, as the awakening Soul, must now impose a new rhythm of harmony and balance upon the physical body through meditation, emotional clearing and yoga, which means focused movement of the body, so that it might become a fitting temple wherein the pure light of the Soul might dwell. This will be the temple not made with hands, but a living temple made in heaven through the power and love of the indwelling Christ.


Gary Springfield is a visionary, spiritual teacher, healer and meditation master who has dedicated his life to the path of enlightenment.  The purpose of his work is to help individuals achieve the mystical marriage between spirit and matter, which creates Divine Alchemy. This allows the light of the Soul, as spirit, to live fully integrated within form.

Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 4:41 AM EST

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