Topic: Duty
"duty" is an anti-concept which obscures the Law of Causality. Such a thing has no real existence. There is only choice and by Causality, the consequences of choice.
There is nothing that a man has 'got to do' except die. Reality gives us a great many "musts," but they are conditional and really mean "you must, if --" and the if stands for man's choice: "--if you want to be alive tomorrow in this desert, you must drink water today." You must practice, if you want to be an all-star football player. You must obey the law, if you wish to avoid prison.
In order for a man to achieve his goals he must make choices. To make the choices, a man needs to constantly and automatically be aware of the principle of causality.
It is causality -- not "duty" -- that guides one in considering, evaluating and choosing one's actions, especially those needed to achieve a long-range goal.
Gift- something bestowed freely:
When you are in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God.
The importance of serving others can never be over emphasized. What are we here for if not to serve our friends and loved ones? The golden rule says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” King Benjamin said, “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” That’s a powerful statement, but true.
How many of us think of others who need us but we feel that we are too busy to help? In the heat of the day, when we are trying to get something done, have we ever answered the call for help when someone asks? If we happen to know someone is sick, feeling down, depressed, and needs our support or help, do we stop what we’re doing and give a call to see how he or she is doing or give a helping hand? Following is an unusual story, which will touch anyone’s heart. It’s a story of love and compassion.
The Seattle Special Olympics only had nine contestants that were ready to run a 100-yard dash; all of them were children that were physically or mentally handicapped. When the gun sounded, they took off, each one hoping to win the race. Joy filled their souls, as they thought about the reward up ahead and how proud their parents would be if they were the one to win. Every parent and relative cheered them on, calling out their names and encouraging them. One of them would be able to display their son or daughter’s trophy in their living room for all to see.
As they ran, nearing the finish line, one small boy stumbled and fell to the ground. Upon hearing the boy weep, the eight contestants slowed down and looked back. Their hearts went out to him and each one of them turned around and went back and helped the young boy to his feet. All thoughts of winning had left their minds because a comrade was in trouble.
A girl with Down’s Syndrome kissed him on the cheek and said, “This will make it better.”
All nine contestants linked arms and walked together to the finish line. There was not a dry eye in the congregation when they saw that one act of compassion and love for another. Every one in the Stadium stood and cheered and clapped with tears in their eyes.
What really matters in our lives is helping others win. It is not where we serve, but how we serve, and we must serve with love. We have our rewards when we serve, rewards that bring us great joy.
So, you see Sweetie, it is our perception of those actions of service that we perform for others and our intentions in performing those services that is important. What is in our heart? Are we serving ourselves or are we serving God, The Universe and Others?