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Friday, 23 January 2009
Cherokee Moons Ceremonies
Now Playing: Cherokee Ceremonies
Topic: Cherokee Moon Ceremonies

The Cherokee Moons Ceremonies were the ancient seasonal round of ceremonies practiced during ancient times by the Ah-ni-yv-wi-ya or Cherokee People in the ancient culture. Although a modern calendar year comprises 12 months, there are actually 13 cycles or phases of the moon each year. The seasonal round of ceremonies was based on 13 moons, and was considered a necessary spiritual element for growth and encouraged social gatherings among the Cherokee Clans and Cherokee Society in the ancient culture.

The Ah-ni-yv-wi-ya believed the number 13 was significant. Not only did this number correspond to the lunar cycles of the year, but by a startling coincidence, all species of turtles living in the ancient homeland (in fact, all species turtles in the world) always had 13 scales on the back of their shells. As a result, Cherokee culture associated the spaces on the back of the turtle with the 13 yearly phases of the moon. These phases have shifted over time and do not fall within the 12 month year calendar year precisely every year; therefore Ripe Corn Ceremonies (now called the Green Corn Dances or the Green Corn Ceremony in Modern Times - Ah-ga-we-la Se-lu-ut-si/old woman corn mother) fall in early September as of 2005.

Ah-ni-ku-ta-ni Seasonal Moon Ceremonies

Nv-da ka-na-wo-ga - COLD MOON

Nv-da ko-la - BONE MOON (so little food, people gnaw on bones and eat bone marrow soup)

Nv-da u-no-le - WIND MOON (when strong winds strip away the dead wood and foliage and prepare the land for renewal)

Nv-da a-tsi-lu-s-gi - FLOWER MOON (when plants come to life and bloom again and the Earth is renewed)

Nv-da ga-hlv-sga - PLANTING MOON (strict translation: "the putting it in a hole moon")

Nv-da se-lu-i-tse-i-yu-s-di - GREEN CORN MOON (when the corn is up and showing itself as an identifiable crop)

Nv-da ut-si-dsa-ta - CORN IN TASSEL MOON (when the corn is displaying a tassel)

Nv-da se-lu-u-wa-nv-sa - RIPE CORN MOON

Nv-da u-da-ta-nv-a-gi-s-di u-li-s-dv - END OF FRUIT MOON

Nv-da u-da-ta-nv - NUT MOON

Nv-da tsi-yah-lo-ha - HARVEST MOON

Nv-da ga-no-ha-li-do-ha - HUNTING MOON

Nv-da gu-ti-ha - SNOW MOON (when the first snows fall in the mountains)

There were 13 traditional ceremonies each year practiced by the Ah-ni-ku-ta-ni, and October saw the Renewal Ceremony(or new year), an additional ceremony, with another additional ceremony in November (Eagle Dance).

Modern Cherokee Moons Si-nv-da De-ka-lv-tse-gv-`i

Cold Moon....January U-no-lv-ta-na

Bone Moon...February Ka-ga-`li

Windy Moon...March Ah-nv-yi

Flower Moon...April Ka-wo-ni

Planting Moon...May Ah-n(i)-s-gv-ti

Green Corn Moon...June De-ha-lu-yi

Ripe Corn Moon...July Gu-ye-quo-na

Fruit Moon...August Ga-lo-ni

Nut Moon...September Du-li-s-di

Harvest Moon...October Du-ni-n(i)-di

Trading Moon...November Nv-da-de-qua

Snow Moon...December V-s-gi-yi

Customary and Traditional Events Associated With The Moons

ANUARY: Cold Moon, Unolvtani, This time of the season is a time for personal and ritual observance, fasting and personal purification. During this season, families prepare for the coming of the new seasons, starting in Windy Moon Anvyi or March. Personal items and tools for planting are repaired, and new ones made. Stories about ancestors and the family are imparted to the younger ones by the elders. A mid-Winter or "Cold Moon Dance" is usually held in the community as well, marking the passing or ending of one cycle of seasons and welcoming the beginning of the new cycle. Hearth fires are put out and new ones made. The putting out of Fires and lighting of new ones anciently is the duty of certain holy men of certain clans, and coincides with the first new-arrival of the morning star in the east.

FEBRUARY: Bony Moon, Kaga`li, Traditional time of personal-family feast for the ones who had departed this world. A family meal is prepared with place(s) set for the departed. This is also a time of fasting and ritual observance. A community dance officiated by a "doctor" Didanawiskawi commonly referred to as a Medicine-person. Connected to this moon is the "Medicine Dance".

MARCH: Windy Moon, Anvyi, "First New Moon" of the new seasons. Traditional start of the new cycle of planting seasons or Moons. New town council fires are made. The figure used to portray this moon is the historic figure of Kanati, one of the many beings created by the "Apportioner" Unethlana. These "helpers" were variously charged with the control of the life elements of the earth: air/earth/fire/water. Their domains are the sky, earth, stars and the Seven Levels of the universe.

APRIL: Flower Moon, Kawoni, First plants of the season come out at this time. New births are customary within this time frame. The first new medicine and herb plants that taught mankind how to defend against sickness and conjurey come out now. Streams and rivers controlled by the spirit being, "Long Man," renew their lives. Ritual observances are made to "Long Man" at this time. A dance customary at this season was the "Knee Deep Dance" of the Spring or Water Frog.

MAY: Planting Moon, An(i)sgvti, Families traditionally prepare the fields and sow them with the stored seeds from last season. Corn, beans, squashes, tomatoes, potatoes, yams and sunflowers are some food planted at this time. A dance traditionally done at this time is the "Corn Dance".

JUNE: Green Corn Moon, Dehaluyi, First signs of the "corn in tassel", and the emerging of the various plants of the fields. People traditionally begin preparations for the upcoming festivals of the ensuing growing season. People of the AniGadugi Society begin repairs needed on town houses, family homes and generally provide for the needy. The AniGadugi Society is a volunteer help group who see to the needs of the less fortunate, the elderly and the infirm of the villages.

JULY: Ripe Corn Moon, Guyequona, First foods or the new planting and the roasting ears of corn are ready. Towns begin the cycle festivals. Dances and celebrations of thanks to the Earth Mother and the "Apportioner" Unethlana are given. In the old times this was the traditional time of the "Green Corn Dance" or festival. A common reference of this moon is the "first roasting of ears" (of corn)...sweet corn-moon. This is the customary time for commencement of the Stick Ball games traditionally called AniStusti, "Little War". Today known as "LaCross". Stick Ball dances and festivals are commonly held at this time.

AUGUST: Fruit Moon, Ga`loni, Foods of the trees and bushes are gathered at this time. The various "Paint Clans" begin to gather many of the herbs and medicines for which they were historically know. Green Corn festivals are commonly held at this time in the present day. The "Wild Potato" Clans AniNudawegi, begin harvesting various foods growing along the streams, marshes, lakes and ponds.

SEPTEMBER: Nut Moon, Dulisdi, The corn harvest referred to as "Ripe Corn Festival" was customarily held in the early part of this moon to acknowledge Selu the spirit of the corn. Selu is thought of as First Woman. The festival respects Mother Earth as well for providing all foods during the growing season. The "Brush Feast Festival" also customarily takes place in this season. All the fruits and nuts of the bushes and trees of the forest were gathered as this time. A wide variety of nuts from the trees went into the nut breads for the various festivals throughout the seasons. Hunting traditionally began in earnest at this time.

OCTOBER: Harvest Moon, Dunin(i)di, Time of traditional "Harvest Festival" Nowatequa when the people give thanks to all the living things of the fields and earth that helped them live, and to the "Apportioner" Unethlana. Cheno i-equa or "Great New Moon" Festival is customarily held at this time. Ritual fasting would be observed seven days prior to the festival.

NOVEMBER: Trading Moon, Nvdadequa, Traditionally a time of trading and barter among different towns and tribes for manufactured goods, produce and goods from hunting. The people traded with other nearby tribes as well as distant tribes, including those of Canada, Middle America and South America. Also the customary time of the "Friendship Festival" Adohuna = "new friends made". This is also a day of atonement for the Cherokee. Ritual fasting was also observed. This was a time when all transgressions were forgiven, except for murder which traditionally was taken care of according to the law of blood by a clans person of a murdered person. The festival recalls a time before "world selfishness and greed". This was a time also when the needy among the towns were given whatever they needed to help them through the impending lean winter season.

DECEMBER: Snow Moon, Vsgiyi, The spirit being, "Snow Man", brings the cold and snow for the earth to cover the high places while the earth rests until the rebirth of the seasons in the Windy Moon Anuyi. Families traditionally were busy putting up and storing goods for the next cycle of seasons. Elders enjoyed teaching and retelling ancient stories of the people to the young.


  1. Ceremonies played an important part in the life of the tribe. The Cherokee celebrated a series of seasonal ceremonies and festivities that corresponded to the food cycle of the tribe. March was the first of thirteen moons and the feast of the deer. April’s celebration focused on strawberries, and the next harvests were “little” corn, watermelon, peaches, mulberries, and then “great” corn. In the eighth moon, our October, the festival featured turkey, followed by ceremonies for bison, bear, ducks, chestnuts, and finally nuts that were used in bread. Most of the seasonal ceremonies declined in importance in the eighteenth century, except the one held in late summer that coincided with the ripening of the late crop of corn. The Green Corn Ceremony lasted several days and had significant cultural and social connotation., Chattoogariver.org.
  2. 13 Moons On the Turtles Back. A Native American Year of Moons, ISBN 0-698-11584-8, Putnam and Grossnet Group, 1997







Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 7:58 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 January 2009 8:00 AM EST
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Astrology-Learn Your Sign
Now Playing: Asto-Compatibility
Topic: Astrology-Learn Your Sign

Astrology is how the planets and their movements in the sky affect us, as individuals, on earth. Each planet symbolizes a certain force or energy; each of the 12 astrological signs represents a different mode or style in which that energy is expressed.

When people refer to their astrological sign, they are merely stating which sign of the zodiac the sun was in when they were born.

Astrology reflects the principle that nothing in the universe is at once so simple or so complicated as man himself, from the simple human traits inherent in all humans at birth to the complexity of specific personality and behavior patterns of a single individual. Desirable and undesirable characteristics repeat themselves in the individuals of countless generations, appearing only slightly altered by the history of changing circumstances. Specific traits indicated as belonging to one astrological sign does not deny the fact that people born in any of the other eleven signs also possess these traits. What it means is that hundreds of years of recorded astrological observations have shown that certain traits are more prominent in the personality and temperament of those born in one sign than in another. That is the reason, for example, that moodiness becomes a trait associated with one sign or loquaciousness the hallmark of another.

Some people don't seem to fit the descriptive characteristics of their astrological sign. Please note that the sign descriptions included here are based on the typical person born under that sign. There are exceptions to every rule and you may feel that your sign profile does not fit what is reported here. Also do not feel that what is included here is set in stone. Destiny is what you make of it, the following pages are only meant to be helpful guides and suggestions.

The ARIES  March 21 - April 19
Adventurous, Energetic, Pioneering, Courageous, Enthusiastic, Confident, Dynamic and Quick-Witted
Selfish, Quick-Tempered, Impulsive, Impatient, Foolhardy and a bit of a Daredevil
Arians see themselves as consummate leaders. While they are excellent at initiating and overseeing projects, don't rely on them to be down in the pits actually getting the work done. Arians are not afraid of being on the cutting edge of things. Energetic Arians love the opportunities and challenges each new day brings.

Arians are blunt and outspoken--often to the point that more sensitive souls around them will become alienated. Arians are intrepid and aggressive. When needed, they can almost always muster the inner-strength to face any challenge. Always competitive, Arians never lose sight of what is in their best interest.

Arians are often inclined to be egotistical and domineering. They much prefer action to allowing things to settle on their own. They are never afraid to take chances or follow their impulses. When their actions fail to produce the expected results, they still pride themselves on at least trying. They love exploring new ground. Indeed they expect to be first to go anywhere new. While Arians may not be for everyone, their courage and willingness to initiate action make them an asset to any team project.
The Arian In Love:
When Arians want to, they can be very charming and hard to resist by the opposite sex. People born under the Aries sign need to harness their powerful energies, or even rein them in a little, so those with whom they would like to spend time are not overwhelmed by their advances.

In a relationship, Arians assume the role of motivator and want to be control. The Aries driving force compels those born under its influence to become the leading light in any co-operative venture. Sometimes it seems they want to defeat their partners, not love them.

Arians are enthusiastic and adventurous lovers. They will always want to push to take their lovemaking to new plateaus. Their partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by this spirited approach. Arians love to experiment and to take things to the limit, so, roll over Kama Sutra, the Arian lover is re-writing it all from scratch!
he TAURUS  April 20 - May 20
Patient, Reliable, Warmhearted, Loving, Persistent, Determined, Placid and Security Loving
Jealous, Possessive, Resentful, Inflexible, Self-Indulgent and Greedy
Taureans love pleasure and material gain. For them the outcome is all that matters, and it only matters if they have gained. They are physically sensual and tender, and love to bask in excess. Their ultimate pursuit is "the good life" in every sense of the phrase.

Like the bull that represents them, Taureans are often seen as stubborn. However, what some see as stubbornness is actually the Taurean's will to stay their chosen course to reach their goals. Bulls are pragmatic and dependable, and left to trudge along at their own speed usually attain that which they seek.

Being born in the House of Venus, it really should come as no surprise these self-indulgent pleasure seekers are also great lovers of the arts and all things beautiful. They need to be surrounded by beauty to be happy. Taureans also value tradition, stability and loyalty. At times they may be very sentimental, emotional. Conversely, there is nothing impractical about the slightly conservative Taurean. They are not risk takers. Nor are they likely to fall for get rich quick schemes. While the ways of the stable Taurean may not suit others, they ensure these Bulls will find the earthly rewards they seek.
The Taurean In Love:
Taureans are deeply romantic and very loyal. They value the harmony a happy home life creates. They will go to extremes to keep their mate happy, which, when it comes to love, is no sacrifice to the sensuous Bull. The Taurean need for the good life is equaled by their need to share that life with someone special.

Sexually, Taureans are straightforward and down-to-earth. A no-nonsense approach is favored and too much verbalizing or complex fantasizing is not a Taurean trait. This does not mean they are not capable of feeling love. Indeed, the depth of a Taurean's passion may not be understood by others. Music or other forms of sensual, non-verbal expression will strike a chord in the Taurean nature. Very faithful to friends and family, Taureans prefer long-lasting relationships and seek to build strong alliances, although they can be misled by their sensual natures, especially when young.
The GEMINI  May 21 - June 21
Adaptable, Versatile, Communicative, Witty, Intellectual, Eloquent, Youthful and Lively
Nervous, Tense, Superficial, Inconsistent, Cunning and Inquisitive
Geminis are curious and intellectual by nature. They are forever exploring people and places in their quest to attain knowledge. Bright, witty and outgoing, the Gemini charm guarantees they will be the center of attention in any crowd. Matching their intellect is a well-developed imagination.

The duality of the Gemini personality can make it difficult to know just whom you are dealing with. They sometimes appear fickle, flighty and susceptible to whim. These traits often make it difficult for Geminis to finish much of what they start. The other side of their dual personalities is they have an innate ability to multi-task, which is good since their interests are many and varied.

The Gemini Intellect is the key to their being, and provides the foundation for their skills in the art of communicating. Geminis are not born leaders and will usually defer that position to another. However, their clear thinking and creativity allow them to contribute positively to any project. While Geminis love to talk, they also make for a great audience. Overall, their light spirit and interest in almost everything make them wonderful company.
The Gemini In Love:
Geminis love intelligent conversation, so the way to the Geminian heart is through the head. The Geminian is best involved with a steadier, stronger personality who will tolerate and enjoy their butterfly socializing, yet still be there for them when the cards have all blown down. They are willing to experiment with all manner of relationship styles; and as long as their partner is articulate, tolerant, exciting, adventurous and willing to discuss their exploits in detail, they will be ecstatic.

Because Gemini is not above straying, they are rather divorce prone. However, typically they think the joys of an occasional adventure more than make up for the risks involved. Geminis are exciting companions who crave excitement and variety. They assume they will be able to easily smooth over troubled waters with their silver tongue--they are tolerant of the peccadilloes of their partners, so long as they are not stolid or boring.
The CANCER  June 22 - July 22
Emotional, Loving, Intuitive, Imaginative, Shrewd, Cautious, Protective and Sympathetic
Changeable, Moody, Overemotional, Touchy, Clinging and Unable To Let Go
The Cancer’s first love is its home and family. They love to nurture those around them. No sacrifice is too large to ensure their home is secure and their loved ones are safe and happy. They are very kind and sharing. Cancers are also very moody, and often retreat into themselves to regenerate, or sometimes sulk. The quickest way for them to rebound from such moments is to do what they do best: nurture others.

Cancers can be very iron-willed and like to have things their way. They are very sensitive to slights and hurt easily. When pained Cancers will retreat into themselves and brood. Although generally they do not like confrontation, Cancers are not above seeking revenge against those that hurt them. Cancers are compassionate and freely show their affection for others. They will set their problems aside to assist others in solving theirs. Being extremely intuitive, they often know what is upsetting someone without being told. They are great communicators and can often help those in trouble with just a few words.

Overall, Cancers are quite gregarious. They love to socialize with their friends and family. Their need to care for those in their circle makes them an asset to any family.
The Cancer In Love:
In relationships, Cancers, the most nurturing sign of the zodiac, seek a secure nest. They are best involved with someone who understands their creativity and will accept them for what they are, moods and all. Because their emotions are so powerful, they seek a partner who is stable and responsive, while at the same time understanding of their intermittent need for solitude, alternating with a gregarious desire for companionship and stimulation.

Cancers are protective, even possessive. While not domineering, they can become very jealous lovers when they feel insecure. Although they present a hard shell to the outside world, Cancers are sensitive and caring by nature. As a lover, Cancers seek security and fidelity. Cancers can be deeply wounded if the one they care for betrays their trust (which is never given lightly). Cancers are poetic and romantic and extremely sensual. When with a lover they trust, both they and their mate will flourish.
The LEO  July 23 - Aug. 22
Generous, Warmhearted, Creative, Enthusiastic, Broad-Minded, Expansive, Faithful and Loving
Pompous, Patronizing, Bossy, Interfering, Dogmatic and Intolerant
Leo's charisma and innate ability to lead guarantee they will almost always be at center stage--a place where they love to be. Leos are so full of warmth and optimism it is impossible to not find their company pleasurable. Fearless, powerful and dignified by nature, Leos make great leaders. The force of their will guarantees any task they tackle will be completed.

While they may seem domineering, even despotic at times, their goal is always to ensure the well being of all those in their kingdom. Ever-confident Leos are also creative, idealistic and have an indefatigable lust for life. When leadership is required, a Leo is what is needed. They will get the job done right and on time. Leos also have a talent for bringing the very best out in those around them.

Warm-hearted Leos love to have fun, and will go out of their way to make sure those around them are having fun too! Leos love games of all kinds. They are risk takers and will plunge into new ventures on impulse, confident their talents will ensure success. Strong and honorable, optimistic and fun, few will find the Leo's charms easy to resist.
The Leo In Love:
When in love, Leo's love of fun is only outdone by the romantic in them. They are faithful lovers with a passion that may seem too hot to handle! Leos may not always be willing to try new things which did not spring from their own fantasies, but a clever lover may slowly introduce new methods of expressing love to their relationship. Once the Leo realizes they are fun they will be won over.

Leos sometimes cling to bad relationships because their egos will not allow them to admit they may have made a mistake. Also, being forever optimistic, it is impossible for a Leo to see any problem as insurmountable.

Overall, the Leo will prove to be a wonderful mate. Their love of children makes them a natural parent. They are generous, warm and truly want the best for everyone. Their loyalty and sense of honor makes it unlikely they will be indiscrete.
The VIRGO  Aug 23 - Sept. 22
Modest, Shy, Meticulous, Reliable, Practical, Diligent, Intelligent and Analytical
Fussy, A Worrier, Overcritical, Harsh, Perfectionist and Conservative
Instinctively responsive to the needs of others, Virgos readily adapt to different people and changing circumstances by finding ways to make themselves useful. They do not have a desire to be in the spotlight. However, they can be very successful at promoting those who are.

Virgos are meticulous, practical perfectionists. They abhor sloppiness and disorganization. They are sometimes seen as being far too picky. However, when you want a job done right the first time get a Virgo to do it. Some Virgos are not above using an inability to achieve perfection as the excuse for their own idleness and unproductiveness, but this is out of character with their true nature.

Virgos have an inner drive to serve others, which must be met for them to be happy. They love to apply their analytical skills to solving the problems of others. They are generally perceived to be quite witty and entertaining, if a tad too critical. Because Virgos are worriers, they are prone to hypochondria. Virgos love material possessions and find it hard to accept anything that is not of the very best quality available.
The Virgo In Love:
Virgo is particular, practical and realistic rather than romantic. Virgos are slow-burning fuses in the art of lovemaking. Once properly ignited, situations can lead to an explosion of white heat that takes quite a while to cool down. They are, however, very fastidious and critical of the personal habits of others, which can be a big turn-off and prevent them from achieving a fulfilling relationship, or even participating at all in the messy business of involvement.

They are unwilling to discuss their innermost feelings with anyone save a very trusted confidante or lover. Anyone who wishes to get to know them deeply must be prepared to persevere, in which case they will prove a lifelong friend and ally or lover. Once Virgos have committed themselves to a lover, anyone showing interest in their lover is likely to spark a bout of jealousy. Overall, Virgos are devoted and readily willing to serve their mates.
The LIBRA  Sept. 23 - Oct. 23
Diplomaitic, Urbane, Romantic, Charming, Easygoing, Sociable, Idealistic and Peaceable
Indecisive, Changeable, Gullible, Easily Infuenced, Flirtatious and Self-Indulgent
Librans are the Zodiac's seekers of balance, harmony and justice. Librans do best when paired up with others. They do not really care to be alone. Those they pair with can count on them to be fair and avoid conflict if possible.

Often Libras may seem a bit indecisive. This is because in their efforts to be fair they must study every angle of a situation before making a decision. They really are out to do what is best for all. Libras are master strategists and organizers. Librans are friendly, sociable and can charm anyone who engages them in conversation. When bored they quickly become lethargic and may need those around them to supply the spark to get them back on track.

Librans love to know everything about the people around them. They are always diplomatic and not averse to compromise--particularly if it will avoid discord. While Librans may not be team leaders, they can be counted on to plan any project's steps well. Their sense of fairness will also help lessen the number of conflicts that arise between project members. Libra's great gift to us all is we can trust them to be unbiased in their decisions at all times.
The Libra In Love:
Librans love the home and marriage. Time with their lover and family makes them feel complete. To a large extent their love relationship will become their identity. Libras can be very sensual and eager to explore both the spiritual and physical limits of their relationships.

Shaping their relationship and creating entrancing moments is where the Libra focuses its creativity. Their ultimate goal is pleasure and harmony. Libras prefer to be the pursued, rather than pursue. The more attention their mate pours upon them, the happier they will be.

Librans are best involved with a special person who understands their need for romance and their search for the perfect environment. They are co-operative, imaginative and willing to experiment with all manner of relationship styles. The happy Libra is one whose relationship is not simply a coupling, but the joining of two people to go through life as one.
The SCORPIO  Oct. 24 - Nov. 21
Determined, Forceful, Emotional, Intuitive, Powerful, Passionate, Exciting and Magnetic
Jealous, Resentful, Compulsive, Obsessive, Secretive and Obstinate
Intuitive and ever curious, Scorpios are the great investigators of the Zodiac. They want to know everything about everyone. When an answer is needed, a Scorpio will find it for you. Unfortunately Scorpios seem to see only in black and white. They always have their own agenda and never fail to promote it.

Scorpios are the masters of their fate. They know only one way to live: on their own terms. They do not live life but attack it. When life hands them a loss, they do not waste time sulking, but rather continue on their path, sure they will eventually succeed. Scorpios are driven by their intense passions and desires. Often they are seen as imperious.

Scorpios are a secretive lot. Those around them may never know the depth of their passions. Probing the Scorpio psyche will only make them leery and cause them to flee. Whether in business or play, Scorpios love to compete. Indeed to do well, they must have an opponent. Scorpios do not take slights well. If you cross them be assured they will retaliate with their full force. Scorpios never quit and never surrender. If anyone can get a difficult task done it is a Scorpio.
The Scorpio In Love:
Scorpios have a dark and mysterious style which, combined with an irresistible personal magnetism, creates a fascination in members of the opposite sex. They ooze sexual excitement and require a partner who can keep up with their marvelous capacity for taking everything to the limit and far beyond. For Scorpios, emotions run deep, and their faculty of intuition is remarkably accurate, so their antennae can pick out a prospective partner at first sight. They need, however, to keep a part of themselves private and personal. They can react vigorously should a lover trespass in their personal domain.
The SAGITTARIUS  Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
Optimistic, Freedom-Loving, Jovial, Good-Humored, Honest, Straightforward, Intellectual and Philosophical
Blindly Optimistic, Careless, Irresponsible, Superficial, Tactless and Restless
While Sagittarians are the nomads of the Zodiac, they do not wander aimlessly. They are seekers of the truth and will go anywhere and talk to anyone for answers to their questions. Knowledge and wisdom drive them and provide the energy for their liberal approach to life. Sagittarians are drawn to the philosophical and spiritual because these subjects provide answers to the questions that burn inside them.

Sagittarians are the intellectuals of the Zodiac. They are lucid thinkers who appreciate others agreeing with their conclusions. Sometimes they are so confident their deductions are beyond dispute they become dogmatic and argumentative. Still, the Sagittarian quest for information drives them to listen to anyone and absorb what they find useful and quickly disregard the rest.

It is the nature of Sagittarians to roam freely. If they feel intellectually or physically restricted they may become bad-tempered very quickly. When Sagittarians are given the freedom they need they are kind, optimistic, lucky and not afraid of taking an occasional risk. They are also a charming lot who can be self-indulgent procrastinators. Overall, Sagittarians allowed the freedom they need are a delight to be around.
The Sagitarian In Love:
Sagittarians love any new form of sexual expression that challenges and excites them. Both tolerant and eager to please, their honesty can sometimes prove too much for those who prefer a more mysterious, or veiled approach to love.

Sagittarians are best involved with a steadier, stronger personality, who can understand their need for independence, yet still be there after an occasional flair of temper. Their frank and open motives are often misunderstood, threatening to more subdued signs.

Although they hate to be tied down, they are willing to experiment with all manner of relationship styles. As long as their partner is able to keep up with their wide-ranging interests and is prepared to come up with new experiments in lovemaking (and certainly does not mind them doing the same), their relationship will be exciting and reasonably long lasting. Mutual honesty is the key to success for the Sagittarian.
The CAPRICORN  Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
Practical, Prudent, Ambitious, Disciplined, Patient, Careful, Humorous and Reserved
Pessimistic, Fatalistic, Miserly, Grudging, Over Conventional and Rigid
Capricorns are ambitious, hard working and never lose sight of their goals. While the pragmatic Capricorn's "one step at a time" approach to getting things done may not be all that interesting, it usually delivers results.

It is not uncommon for Capricorns to be arrogant and overbearing while on their march to success. Of course they will rationalize their behavior by saying a domineering nature is a trait of a born leader. Capricorns are industrious and detail oriented. They are not ones to take risks, which means they often have to wait for success. Being patient and confident they will succeed, the wait for glory is no problem for them.

Capricorns are traditionalist to the point of often seeming a bit stiff and out of sync. They are not ones to wander far from home or chase wild dreams. They are rational and never have bursts of emotions. Sometimes they can be a bit greedy, but their devotion to work and family offsets this easily. Although their ambition may seem limitless, Capricorns never resort to cheating to succeed. When success does come to them, they find it very fulfilling, because they attained it their way.
The Capricorn In Love:
In a relationship, Capricorns are a slow starters, but prove to be explosive performers and long-lasting, loyal companions. They are quite skilled with people, once they overcome their initial reserve.

When aroused, Capricorns are enthusiastic and adventurous in the art of love, but can be possessive and jealous when threatened. Partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by the intensity of their passion, coming as it does from beneath such a cool exterior. In marriage they are loyal, good providers and strive to develop a strong home environment.

Capricorns strive to conceal their vulnerability beneath a confident veneer of ambition and material success, but passionate Mars is always bubbling just below the surface. When the curtain is lifted, the passion flows like lava from an erupting volcano. Indeed, when they are sure of their ground, they delight in living up to the randy reputation of the Goat.
The AQUARIUS  Jan. 20 - Feb. 18
Friendly, Humanitarian, Honest, Loyal, Original, Inventive, Independent and Intellectual
Intractable, Contrary, Perverse, Unpredictable, Unemotional and Detached
Aquarians tend to be entrancing, exciting and unpredictable, yet somehow strangely detached from their surroundings. They are one of the zodiac's most eccentric personalities. They are seekers of the new, unusual, and challenging which leads them in many directions. Aquarians may try many things but without stability they may master none. Aquarians are philanthropic and humanitarian by nature. They see their calling as making the world a better place for all of us.

Adventurous Aquarians are not averse to risk taking. Their optimism and positive outlook, combined with idealism and the need to break new ground can lead them into quite unfamiliar territory--not that this bothers them, for they are willing to follow any new lead to its conclusion.

Aquarians are the bearers of originality, idealism and cosmic consciousness-with which they intend to drown materialism and tedium and injustice. Although Aquarians are compassionate and sympathetic to the needs of others, they do like things to go their way. Indeed, they can become very temperamental when things do not go their way. To the Aquarian the freedom to roam and explore is all-important. They hate to be tied down. These iconoclastic visionaries' style often reflects social trends that will become the standard far in our future.
The Aquarian In Love:
One of the Aquarian's deepest needs is for a satisfying, complementary relationship, which gives them freedom and tolerance along with mental and physical stimulation. With the right person they will be a passionate, uninhibited and understanding lover intent on maintaining their bond for life. Receptivity will calm Aquarians' rebellious tendencies. Unlike many, Aquarians rarely feel any pangs of jealousy.

Their sex-drive is not unduly strong, but their need to explore and be stimulated sometimes gives others the impression their desires are unconquerable. They can be very playful and attentive lovers and will put a great deal of energy into satisfying their partners. Aquarians are open to all forms of experimentation (in the pursuit of new knowledge, of course) and the field of sexuality and relationships is no exception. Even though deep down they seek security, their love of originality and exploring unusual new fields of endeavor gives them an attraction for partners with interesting, unconventional minds and bodies.
The PISCES  Feb. 19 - Mar. 20
Imaginative, Sensitive, Compassionate, Kind, Selfless, Unworldly, Intuitive and Sympathetic
Escapist And Idealistic, Secretive And Vague, Weak-Willed And Easily Led
Pisceans are spiritual beings ruled by their feelings. Their journey through life will involve much soul searching and retreat into that hazy world which exists between the real and the unreal. While they are very happy traveling the paths of their inner world, the Piscean compassion and need to help others will ensure they return to the real world regularly.

Pisceans tend to go where life takes them. If they do not like their current direction, they simply retreat into themselves until their direction changes. One of the great dangers for the Pisceans is they sometimes become so involved in their dreams and fantasies they find it difficult to separate fact from fantasy. Another danger is that their docile nature makes it easy for others to take advantage of them.

Pisceans must not allow themselves to become detached from those around them, because they will become depressed, pessimistic and languid. The gentle Pisceans are usually far too shy to tout their talents, which in the arts may be formidable. Their compassion and empathy seems to be without bounds, which makes them a great ally for anyone.
The Pisces In Love:
Pisces really need to be needed. They suffer from fear of rejection and low self-esteem. Pisceans are tender and caring, but frequently become the victims of domineering and uncaring partners. They submerge themselves in the experiences of their mates. If their partner is strong and caring, the lucky Piscean will soar to new heights. Conversely, if they find themselves in an unfulfilling relationship, they will prolong the agony--feeling they must deserve the misery—-and assume the role of martyr.

Pisceans do best when involved with a solid personality who will enjoy their romantic fantasies. There is no more loyal and caring lover than a Piscean, but their need for emotional and sensual reassurance sometimes leads to flirtations. Pisceans are the most loving and giving of the signs, their ability to select an inappropriate partner is legendary. In the right relationship, their sexuality will blossom and become something of an art form, especially as they get a little older, more experienced and more confident.


Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 3:59 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 January 2009 8:08 AM EST
Flower Symbols and Their Meaning
Now Playing: Flower Symbols
:rose::  Flowers have been irresistible to painters through the ages. These days we've lost much of the symbolism associated with them, but earlier painters chose flowers to convey very specific messages about their subjects. The meaning associated with a specific flower differs between cultures; the symbolism for each given here is from Western European culture unless specified otherwise.

Bamboo: A symbol for longevity (it's always got green shoots) as well as strength and grace (it bends readily but doesn't break easily). In Chinese philosophy the straight stem of bamboo symbolizes the path towards enlightenment, the segments of the stem being the steps along the way.

Carnation: A symbol of betrothal or engagement. In China, a carnation is a symbol of marriage.

Chrysanthemum: The national symbol of Japan, 'mums are a symbol for long life.

Clover leaf: The three divided leaves of clover represent the Christian Holy Trinity of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Four-leafed clovers represent luck.

Daisy: The most basic of flowers, a white daisy is a symbol of innocence. (Free daisy stencil)

Deadly nightshade: A highly poisonous plant (Atropa belladonna) with purple bell flowers and small black berries. A symbol of deception, danger, and death.

Forget-me-not: A low-growing plant (Myosotis) with small, usually blue flowers . As the common name suggests, a symbol of a plea for remembrance. "Forget me not" are supposed to have been the last words of young man who fell into a river and drowned while picking these flowers for his lover.

Honeysuckle: A less-common symbol of love. Also of generosity.

Iris: Associated with death as Iris was a Greek goddess of the rainbow, which she used to travel down to earth with messages from the gods and to transport women's souls to the underworld. The three upright petals and three drooping sepals are symbols for faith, valor, and wisdom.

Jasmine: This strongly scented, white flower is used as a Hindu symbol for love.

Juniper: Symbolizes chastity (because juniper berries are protected by the tree's thorny leaves), Christ (an association with the crown of thorns place on the head of Christ), and eternity (juniper wood is supposedly never attacked by bugs or worms).

Lily: Symbolizes purity, chastity, and innocence. White lilies represent the purity of the Virgin Mary. The Angel Gabriel was often painted presenting Mary with a white lily when he announced to her that she would give birth to the Son of God.

Lotus: A common symbol in Asian art, the lotus symbolizes birth and rebirth through the fact that the petals open when the sun comes out and close when the sun sets. Also a symbol for fertility, creation, and purity. The long stem symbolizes our connection to our origins, while the flower represents the enlightenment to which we aspire.

Mistletoe: Standing under the mistletoe at Christmas gives anyone the opportunity to kiss you.

Orchid: A symbol of perfection. The spots on an orchid sometimes represent the blood of Christ.

Poppy: A symbol of death. Red poppies are a symbol of Remembrance Day (11 November), which commemorates the dead of the First and Second World Wars.

Rose: To symbolize love and passion, use red roses. For virginity and purity use white roses. To symbolize jealousy and infidelity, use yellow roses. In Catholicism, red roses are a symbol of the Virgin Mary. (Free rose stencil.)

Rosemary: Included in funeral wreaths as a symbol of remembrance and in wedding bouquets as a symbol for fidelity. It's said that if you touch a lover with a sprig of rosemary, they'll be faithful.

Sunflowers: As a flower which blindly follows the sun, sunflowers have become a symbol of infatuation or foolish passion.

Thistle: A thorny plant with a beautiful flower, the national symbol of Scotland. It's thorns symbolize both evil and protection. In Christianity it represents the suffering of Christ.

Violet: Symbolize faithfulness, humility, and chastity.

Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 3:34 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 January 2009 8:12 AM EST
What is Human Energy?
Topic: What is Human Energy?

Healing Journeys

What Is Human Energy

There are three main levels of being.  Physical,  Etheric and Spiritual.  Each level of a human being gives off energy.
Vibrating at a higher frequency, surrounding the physical body is a more subtle body, the Etheric Body. It contains an energy blueprint upon which the physical body is shaped.
It contains the structures (Chakras), which allow us to absorb high frequency energy of various kinds.  These are the force centers or "energy centers" of the human body.  These centers allow energy to flow in and out and contain regulating mechanisms to control this flow. Certian energies such as emotions are associated with each Chakra. 
The whole human body is a receiver of energy.  The two systems of the body, the Physical and the Etheric, are both essential to life and good health. 

The flow of energy between the two systems is the basis of healing  modatlities, which are designed to remove "energy  blockages". 

The etherc system governs the physical system of the body.  Disease and illness are the manifestations of energy imbalances or "blockages" in the etheric system and physical symptoms can be traced there. 

A healing therapist is able to help a client by detecting energy imbalances/blockages in the seven main Chakras and in the secondary ones which are scattered around the body.

 Where this is the cause of the problem, healing acts first on the subtle levels of the body which in turn, act on the physical.  The picture is one of healing energies moving through the energy systems to remove blocks and restore balance.  A feeling of good health is the physical sign that this has occurred.
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light therapy



spiritual healing, Jim Harmon,Trinity Table

The Trinity Project

Jim Harmon







Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 8:36 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 January 2009 9:04 AM EST
Magnetic Energy
Now Playing: Magnetic Energy Therapy
Topic: What Is Magnetic Energy

Healing Journeys

Magnetic Energy

In any material that is capable of being magnetized, there are groups of atoms with their own magnetic orientation arranged haphazardly in the material. When that material comes into contact with a strong magnetic field, it rearranges the groups of atoms so that they are in alignment. As the groups of atoms become aligned, they project a magnetic field.

Magnetic energy has different names. Some people call it energy or life force; the Chinese call it Chi, the Indians know it as Prana. Whatever you choose to call it, magnetic energy is a basic force of life-it pulses throughout the galaxies and is found everywhere in nature.


Some researchers and doctors say that magnets don't actually heal the body. Science knows that the human body is composed of numerous cells that combine to form blood, tissues, bones and organs. These cells are in the constant state of renewing themselves. Dr. Robert Becker, one of the leading medical doctors who advocates the use of magnets in healing, believes that the force which stimulates ,cellular growth and division is electromagnetic energy.

He and other scientists contend that the charge on the cells of the body gets depleted as cells perform their normal daily functions and that the body tries to "recharge" the worn down cells by sending pulses of electromagnetic energy from the brain through the nervous system.

James Souder, President of Norso Biomagnetics in Raleigh, North Carolina, claims that studies performed on animals, and microscopic examination of blood vessels, indicate that capillary blood flow is stimulated by the movement of magnetic fields through tissue and is the dominant factor in magnetic field therapy.

What is magnetic therapy?

Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes. It helps to speed the healing process and improve quality of sleep without any adverse side effects. Whether used independently or as an adjunct to your current treatment, magnetic therapy is very effective for the relief of discomfort due to joint and muscle pain, inflammation, and stiffness, making it an excellent choice for everyone.

Clinical studies in the United States have shown magnetic therapy to be an effective method for relieving pain and discomfort. Japan and many eastern European countries have conducted studies for over 30 years, and researchers continue to find that it provides tremendous benefits for a wide range of conditions. Physicians in the United States using magnetic therapy in their practices have reported many case histories showing positive benefits for their patients as well.

How does magnetic therapy work?

All physical and mental functions are controlled by electromagnetic fields produced by the movement of electro-chemicals (ions) within the body. When an injury occurs and tissue is damaged, positively charged ions move to the affected area, causing pain and swelling. In order for healing to take place, the injured site must be restored to its natural negative electromagnetic charge. Pain and inflammatory-related electro-chemicals must be removed and oxygen and nutrients transferred to the area.

The application of a magnetic field to an injured area helps restore the normal electromagnetic balance. The magnetic field relaxes capillary walls, as well as surrounding muscle and connective tissues, allowing for increased blood flow. More oxygen and nutrients are transferred to the injury site, while pain and inflammatory-related electro-chemicals are more efficiently removed. The overall process restores the normal electromagnetic balance of the area, relieving pain and inflammation, and promoting accelerated healing.

Individual response time will vary, and can range from a few minutes, to a few weeks. The effectiveness of magnetic therapy is dependent upon using the correct magnetic products, the length of time they are applied, and the type and severity of the problem.

Is magnetic therapy safe?

Yes, magnetic therapy is safe. No complications have ever been reported with its proper use. Magnetic therapy products use magnets that when applied to the body, have positive therapeutic benefits.

There are certain conditions where magnet therapy should not be used. Magnetic therapy should not be used if you are wearing a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump or any other implanted electro-medical device, and should not be used if you are pregnant.

Do magnetic therapy products generate the same magnetic fields as power lines and other electrical devices?

The electromagnetic fields surrounding power lines and electrical appliances are a very different type of magnetic field, and have no relation to the natural, healing fields produced by Therion's magnetic products.

How effective can magnetic therapy be?

According to most experts in the field, if magnetic therapy products are designed and used properly they can be 80%-90% effective. The problem is that Biomagnetics is a far more complex science than most people realize, so knowing how to accomplish this is no easy task and requires highly specialized engineering and manufacturing capabilities.

Using magnets for healing pain is increasingly popular with the public. However, despite this popularity, there is a lack of scientific evidence to prove magnets have any therapeutic benefit. Traditional physicians remain, in general, very skeptical of magnets' benefits. Despite this justified mainstream skepticism, the following article seeks to provide members of the public who are seeking information on magnets with balanced, factual information.

When referring to magnets, we are not talking about the type of magnets found on refrigerator doors - but biomagnets - those magnets manufactured for physical and mental healing. Biomagnets are named after biomagnetism, the science of magnetism.

As children in school we learned that magnetism is an energy force on earth. Each atom has a nucleus around which spins positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons that generate a magnetic field. For thousands of years ancient civilizations studied the positive and negative magnetic forces. For example, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is believed that a balance of these positive and negative forces referred to as Yin and Yang represents good health.


Although not scientifically proven and controversial, theories suggest biomagnets alone do not heal but rather stimulate the body to heal naturally. Some of these scientifically unproven claims include:

-Restoration of cellular magnetic balance
-Migration of calcium ions is accelerated to help heal bones and nerve tissues
-Circulation is enhanced since biomagnets are attracted to the iron in blood and this increase in blood flow helps healing
-Biomagnets have a positive effect on the pH balance of cells
-Hormone production is influenced by biomagnet use

Most everyone today is aware of some of the changes in medicine, especially as it relates to finding cost-effective means of providing care and treating ailments. Clinicians in this country found "magnetic therapy" a reimbursable medical expense in Germany, Israel, Japan and forty-five other countries and became intrigued with its possibilities for American health care.

The Office of Alternative Medicine of the National Institute of Health in Washington, D.C., has just awarded over a million dollar grant to Ann Gill Taylor, RN, Ph.D. at the University of Virginia, to study the effects of magnets in chronic pain. Dr. Gill Joins a list of doctors and scientists currently interested in this European phenomenon. Prestigious centers such as John Hopkins, Baylor College of Medicine and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are studying magnetic therapy.


While there are many applications claimed for magnetics from the reduction of scar tissue to the treatment of internal organs, the predominant use of magnetic devices is the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and myofacial pain. While, as previously stated, the mechanism by which this pain relief occurs is subject to much conjecture, there is a consensus that heightened blood flow to the area under the footprint of the magnet is one of the primary results of magnetic treatment. The results have been demonstrated by both thermographic and nuclear medicine studies. There have also been evidence of pain blocking phenomena in certain nerve fibers related to the application of magnetic fields. And researchers have been able to demonstrate changes in the electrical potential of nerve cells which raise the threshold for transmitting pain impulses as a result of magnetic fields.

Dr. Dean Bonlie, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the North American Academy of Magnetic Therapy, explains that when the body is fatigued, a "loss of static charge" on the body's cells causes a "clumping of red blood cells." Through magnetic field supplementation, he says, chemical reactions are enhanced, building up the charge on cell walls which cause the cells to repel each other, reducing the clumping. With more surface area available, he says, the oxygen-carrying capacity of the cells is increased which in turn reinvigorates the body.

While the physics of magnetic energy is debated, its benefits are being experienced by people around the country. Dr. Ronald Lawrence of Agoura Hills, California asserts that magnets have been extremely effective in the control of arthritic pain in many of his patients. Dee Massengale, an exercise physiologist in Atlanta, Georgia suffering with fibromyaglia since 1982, says that of all the therapies she's tried magnetic devices have been one of the most valuable tools for pain management.


Biomagnets claim to be relatively safe, non-invasive, 100% natural, and drug free. Some manufacturers claim their magnets work fast and even offer guarantees. Many patients have reported significant improvement in back pain and other ailments with biomagnet use. However, there remains a lack of scientific data to validate the efficacy of magnets, and accordingly, very few doctors of medicine (MDs) are known to prescribe magnets for the treatment of spinal disorders.

As with any new treatment, we recommend discussing your condition with specialists who can present the argument for the therapy, and with those who are against the therapy, to provide you with a balanced picture upon which to base your decision.

New Tools Available for Magnetic Healing Offered by Jim Harmon at SpiritualHealing.com

Genesis and Dreamcatcher Magnetic Healing


Medical Disclaimer
The Genesis process is specific only for energetic / spiritual enhancement. It is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose or heal any illness, disease or condition.

The configuration is somewhat similar to an MRI unit. For scale the operational chamber is 10 feet long and roomy 4 feet in diameter and totally silent in operation. Many people who are energetically attuned describe the experience much like standing in an earth energy vortex.

The prime directive of the Trinity Project has always been finding simple, safe and effective methods of enhancing our natural spiritual / energetic abilities and connection. In virtually all medical magnetic research the scientists were looking for only direct biological effects. The Trinity Project through its 14 years of research found there was a direct correlation and interaction between the spiritual / energetic process and magnetic influences involved. Our philosophy is that all real health is directly affected by ones spiritual / energetic well being.

  Genesis encloses a person within a concentrated, enhanced and unified linear magnetic field. Within minutes this low level field produces a gentle infusion of energy that enhances the whole energetic being. Energy workers, Light workers and Reiki practitioners quickly recognize their spiritual / energetic abilities being elevated to a much higher level.

Genesis utilizes an extremely low level static magnetic field. Static magnetic fields have been thoroughly investigated for any toxic biological effects. Fields with thousands of times higher than Genesis have clearly demonstrated no damaging effects.

EEG investigation for  Genesis clearly demonstrate that no adverse effects are induced/. Several years of use indicate a consistent enhancement in a persons natural energetic flow and aligment patterns. Many report noticable improvements at the physical level also.

A limited number of custom designed Genesis units are being made available for Healers and Researchers.


In home installation of the smaller personal version.
The size is 36 inch diameter by 8 foot long.

For your own Genesis Experience or research time in a Genesis or Dreamcatcher unit contact us     spiritualhealing.com


Future Magnetic Healing Implications

While the Genesis process is specific only for energetic / spiritual enhancement the future of magnetics combined with specific scalar and conjugate wave energies appear to be limitless.

There is a growing body of real and theoretical science that supports the possibilities of utilizing specific magnetic environments in combination with scalar energies to effectively treat almost any illness or diseased condition. What might be considered science-fiction by many has already been proven on a limited scale. As far back as the 1930s researcher Royal Raymond Rife and In the 1960s and 1970s, Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of staggering effectiveness. In thousands of rigid laboratory tests these researchers machines were effecting cures for almost every type of illness and disease.

Introducing the Magnetic Dreamcatcher


spiritual healing



The 5th Evolution of the Magnetic Genesis

This evolution of the original Genesis has produced a more
symbiotic link between the device and the user.

As with all the devices of the Trinity project there is a pronounced
energetic effect between the device and user.

Eight massive magnets produce an earthfield equivalent
similar to natural earth vortex outflows. The eight rings
construct 7 corresponding zones of interaction for the
7 major chakra points.

For more information on the implications and possibilities of
magnetically influenced healing please contact

 Jim Harmon   The Trinity Project

magnetic healing

Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 8:29 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 January 2009 9:11 AM EST
Dreams: Symbol Meaning
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Dreams
Topic: Dreams: Symbol Meaning

Dream Symbol Meaning


Dream symbol meaning s provide us with insight to the deeper stirrings of our soul.

When we commit to the study of dream symbol meanings, we are telling the universe that we want:

  • Personal clarity
  • Fuller identity
  • Spiritual clarity
  • Resolution to internal conflict
  • Deeper understanding of ourselves
  • Discovery of passion
  • Identification of purpose
Furthermore, when we begin to understand dream symbol meaning, we get a bigger picture to the sometimes puzzling nature of our lives. We begin to see the interconnectedness of all things, and learn how we can apply this knowledge of connection to our everyday life. By doing this, we gain a silent internal strength that allows for further growth, and ultimate success in effectively living life.

As you review the dream symbol meaning s below, please keep in mind that symbol interpretation is a very personal process.

You've read it on almost every page of this website - I'll say it again: Ultimately, it is YOU, and you alone who determines a meaning of a symbol. I simply provide you with a foundation.

Whether in nature, at work, or in dreams, symbols come to you all the time. They choose you, and it is up to you to interact with these symbols. Meditate, communicate and ponder the symbols that come to you. Their messages are incredibly revealing and profound.

Having said all that, please enjoy these common dream symbol meanings  listed below. 


  Altars: Dreaming about an altar tends to symbolize that a project you've been working on will be successful. If there are lighted candles on your altar is a double sign of success. Kneeling in front of the altar suggests you are a deeply spiritual person, and that divine intervention will assist in your success.
dream symbol meaning for angel Angels: Angels in dreams are the personification of a divine idea that has occured to us. Angels appear in our dreams when we are examining our attitudes, and indicate that we need to also examine our motivations. The Angel is a messenger. When we take the time to trust and soul-search, they will lead us to new insights and new directions. Dream appearances of Angels also indicate a strong desire of harmony, guidance, strenght, friendship and emotional connection.
dream symbol meaning for bag Bags: The dream Bag contains character and personality traits that either hinder or help you. As such, it is necessary to pay attention to what is hiding in the Bag. When a Bag ocurrs in our dreams, it is a message to search our unconscious deeper to uncover what is blocking us or what is supporting us. By identifying these things we are able to accelerate our growth.


dream symbol meaning for clock Clocks: The dream Clock, as you would guess, deals with time. Specifically, the Clock may indicate that you are afraid that life is moving by you, or things are moving too fast. If you are dreaming that you are winding a Clock, this means that you may be starting a new phase in your life, or heading in a new direction. If the Clock alarms then you are faced with a life-changing decision.
dream symbol meaning for devil Devils: The Devil in dreams symbolizes darkness and confusion. Its dreamtime visitation may also mean you are preoccupied with negative thoughts, or someone in your life is bringing you down to a negative emotional level. The Devil may also indicate you are dealing with temptations. The Devil is also the personification of ego - it may be time to soften your ego a bit.
dream symbol meaning for eyeglasses Eyeglasses: Dream symbol meaning for Eyeglasses deals with how you see things in your world. If you are wearing Eyeglasses in your dream it is a symbol of moderation, balance, and virtue. If you've lost your Eyeglasses, you are going need to be aware of lies being told in your life, and some unsolved mysteries may be coming your way. If you dream of Eyeglasses by themselves, it may mean you have a distorted view of your world and surroundings at this time.


dream symbol meaning for forest Forest: Have you heard the adage: "can you see the Forest for the trees?" Dream Forests deal with experience, vision, emotions and shadows. Forests in our dreams may indicate unresolved feelings about something, or not being able to see our way clear of a problem. Forests may indicate we feel lost in our lives. On the otherhand, if you are dreaming of a beautiful, lush Forest, this indicates an unshakable faith in the Divine and prosperity is your destiny. Seeing a Forest fire indicates health problems.


dream symbol meaning for house House: Dream symbol meaning for House deals with the body, as well as a desire for security and safety. The condition of the House in your dream represents how you truly feel about your current sitation. If the House is in ill-repair or disarray, you need to take a close look at your health. If you are building a House, you should expect visits from old friends and you'll make new friends. A picture-perfect House means you are ready to settle down into a more stable situation.


dream symbol meaning for mask Mask: Dream Masks deal with the inability to be comfortable with being ourselves. When we dream of Masks, it often inferrs that we are not comfortable in our own skin, or we are incabable of showing others our true selves. Often, Masks represent overuse of drugs, alcohol or food to cover up our emotions. If others are wearing Masks in your dreams, it may mean that others are not being fully honest with you.


dream symbol meaning for mountain Mountain: Mountains in our dreams symbolize conquering, overcoming, hard work, willpower, and ascending above petty circumstances. Climbing the Mountain implies hard work in learning a new skill. Descending the Mountain implies stepping back from a situation, taking time to think about your actions, getting a second opinion. A Mountain range in your dream represents a new adventure, and is a message encouraging expansion in your life
dream symbol meaning for rings Rings: Dream rings represent a promise or bond we have with our destiny, with another person, or with our community. This symbolic bond is incredibly strong and infinite. When we dream of a Ring slipping off our finger, we must rekindle the relationships we've let slip. When we dream of Rings that are stuck on our finger, we need to re-examine an unhealthy relationship.
dream symbol meaning for shoes Shoes: Shoe dreams deal with walking certain paths in our lives. If you are wearing tight Shoes, the road you are traveling is hard, and much sorrow is involved. Comfortable Shoes indicate you are in a good place in your life and success is around the corner. Buying Shoes indicates you still have quite a distance to travel until you reach your goals. Dirty, worn-down Shoes encourages us to examine our spiritual walk, or asks us to take a walk of faith.


dream symbol meaning for tunnels Tunnel: Dream symbol meaning of Tunnels deals with birth, and sometimes death. Tunnels in our dreams ask us to look back to a starting point. In Tunnels we often encounter our deepest mind - our unconscious thoughts. Tunnels encourage us to follow a path into the unknown. They are a message for us to begin exploring our own concepts of life, death, and birth.
dream symbol meaning for umbrella Umbrella: Umbrellas in our dreams indicate our need to take a closer look at our worries and fears. When we have an open Umbrella in our dream we must act carefully and watch how we behave with others. A closed Umbrella means we are worrying and obsessing unnecessarily. When Umbrellas appear, we must ask what we are afraid of because our fears are holding us back from progress.
dream symbol meaning for water Water: Dream symbol meaning of Water deals with cleansing and emotional stirrings. If the Water is murky in your dream, this is a warning not to get involved in new endeavors. If the Water is clear, success is coming your way. Seeing yourself in Water's reflection means that you aren't being fully honest with yourself. When you contemplate your dream of Water, keep in mind Water is a symbol of your emotional state. 

Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 8:22 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 January 2009 9:15 AM EST
Native American Zodiac
Mood:  bright
Topic: Native American Zodiac
Native American Zodiac

Otter Native American Animal Symbol Otter: Jan 20 - Feb 18
A little quirky, and unorthodox, the Otter is a hard one to figure sometimes. Perceived as unconventional, the Otter methods aren't the first ones chosen to get the job done. This is a big mistake on the part of others – because although unconventional, the Otter's methods are usually quite effective. Yes, the Otter has unusual way of looking at things, but he/she is equipped with a brilliant imagination and intelligence, allowing him/her an edge over every one else. Often very perceptive and intuitive, the Otter makes a very good friend, and can be very attentive. In a nurturing environment the Otter is sensitive, sympathetic, courageous, and honest. Left to his/her own devices, the Otter can be unscrupulous, lewd, rebellious, and isolated.

Wolf Native American Animal Symbol Wolf: Feb 19 – Mar 20
Deeply emotional, and wholly passionate, the Wolf is the lover of the zodiac in both the physical and philosophical sense of the word. The Wolf understands that all we need is love, and is fully capable of providing it. Juxtaposed with his/her fierce independence – this Native American animal symbol is a bit of a contradiction in terms. Needing his/her freedom, yet still being quite gentle and compassionate – we get the picture of the "lone wolf" with this sign. In a nurturing environment the Wolf is intensely passionate, generous, deeply affectionate, and gentle. Left to his/her own devices the Wolf can become impractical, recalcitrant, obsessive, and vindictive.

Falcon Native American Animal Symbol Falcon: Mar 21 – Apr 19
A natural born leader, the Falcon can always be looked upon for clear judgment in sticky situations. Furthermore, the characteristics for this Native American animal symbol never wastes time, rather he/she strikes while the iron is hot, and takes action in what must be done. Ever persistent, and always taking the initiative, the Falcon is a gem of a personality to have for projects or team sports. The Falcon can be a little on the conceited side – but he/she is usually right in his/her opinions – so a little arrogance is understood. In a supportive environmental the Falcon "soars" in his/her ability to maintain passion and fire in relationships, and always remaining compassionate. Left to his/her own devices, the Falcon can be vain, rude, intolerant, impatient, and over-sensitive.

Beaver Native American Animal Symbol Beaver: Apr 20 – May 20
Take charge, adapt, overcome – this is the Beaver motto. Mostly business, the Beaver is gets the job at hand done with maximum efficiency and aplomb. Strategic, and cunning the Beaver is a force to be reckoned with in matters of business and combat. One might also think twice about engaging the Beaver in a match of wits – as his/her mental acuity is razor sharp. The Beaver has everything going for him/her – however tendencies toward "my way or the highway" get them in trouble. Yes, they are usually right, but the bearer of this Native American animal symbol may need to work on tact. In a nurturing environment the Beaver can be compassionate, generous, helpful, and loyal. Left to his/her own devices the Beaver can be nervous, cowardly, possessive, arrogant, and over-demanding.

Deer Native American Animal Symbol Deer: May 21 – Jun 20
This Native American animal symbol is the muse of the zodiac. The Deer is inspiring lively and quick-witted. With a tailor-made humor, the Deer has a tendency to get a laugh out of anyone. Excellent ability for vocalizing, the Deer is a consummate conversationalist. This combined with his/her natural intelligence make the Deer a must-have guest at dinner parties. Always aware of his/her surroundings, and even more aware of his/her appearance, the Deer can be a bit self-involved. However, the Deer's narcissism is overlooked because of his/her congeniality and affability. In a supportive environment the Deer's natural liveliness and sparkly personality radiate even more. He/she is an inspiring force in any nurturing relationship. Left to his/her own devices the Deer can be selfish, moody, impatient, lazy, and two-faced.

Woodpecker Native American Animal Symbol Woodpecker: Jun 21 – Jul 21
Woodpeckers are usually the most nuturing of all the Native American animal symbols. The consummate listener, totally empathic and understanding, the Woodpecker is the one to have on your side when you need support. Of course, they make wonderful parents, and equally wonderful friends and partners. Another proverbial feather in the Woodpeckers cap is the tendency to be naturally frugal, resourceful, and organized. In a nurturing environment the Woodpecker is of course caring, devoted, and very romantic. Left to his/her own devices the Woodpecker can be possessive, angry, jealous, and spiteful.

Salmon Native American Animal Symbol Salmon: Jul 22 – Aug 21
Electric, focused, intuitive, and wholly creative, the Salmon is a real live-wire. His/her energy is palpable. A natural motivator, the Salmon's confidence and enthusiasm is easily infectious. Soon, everybody is onboard with the Salmon – even if the idea seems too hair-brained to work. Generous, intelligent, and intuitive, it's no wonder why the Salmon has no shortage of friends. This Native American animal symbol expresses a need for purpose and goals, and has no trouble finding volunteers for his/her personal crusades. In a supportive environment, the Salmon is stable, calm, sensual, and giving. Left to his/her own devices, those that bear this Native American animal symbol can be egotistical, vulgar, and intolerant of others.

Bear Native American Animal Symbol Bear: Aug 22 – Sep 21
Pragmatic, and methodical the Bear is the one to call when a steady hand is needed. The Bear's practicality and level-headedness makes him/her an excellent business partner. Usually the voice of reason in most scenarios, the Bear is a good balance for Owls. The Bear is also gifted with an enormous heart, and a penchant for generosity. However, one might not know it as the Bear tends to be very modest, and a bit shy. In a loving environment this Native American animal symbol showers love and generosity in return. Further, the Bear has a capacity for patience and temperance, which makes him/her excellent teachers and mentors. Left to his/her own devices the bear can be skeptical, sloth, small-minded and reclusive.

Crow Native American Animal Symbol Crow/Raven: Sep 22 – Oct 22
Highly enthusiastic, and a natural entrepreneur, the Crow is quite a charmer. But he/she doesn't have to work at being charming – it comes easily. Everyone recognizes the Crow's easy energy, and everyone turns to the Crow for his/her ideas and opinions. This is because the Crow is both idealistic and diplomatic and is quite ingenious. In nurturing environments this Native American animal symbol is easy-going, can be romantic, and soft-spoken. Further, the crow can be quite patient, and intuitive in relationships. Left to his/her own devices, the Crow can be demanding, inconsistent, vindictive, and abrasive.

Snake Native American Animal Symbol Snake/Serpent: Oct 23 – Nov 22
Most shamans are born under this Native American animal symbol. The Snake is a natural in all matters of spirit. Easily attuned to the ethereal realm the Snake makes an excellent spiritual leader. Also respected for his/her healing capacities, the Snake also excels in medical professions. The Snake's preoccupation with matters intangible often lead others to view them as mysterious, and sometimes frightening. True, the Snake can be secretive, and a bit dark – he/she is also quite sensitive, and caring. In a supportive relationship the cool Snake can be passionate, inspiring, humorous, and helpful. Left to his/her own devices, the Snake can be despondent, violent, and prone to abnormal mood swings.

Owl Native American Animal Symbol Owl: Nov 23 – Dec 21
Changeable and mutable as the wind, the Owl is a tough one to pin down. Warm, natural, with an easy-going nature, the Owl is friend to the world. The bearer of this Native American animal symbol is notorious for engaging in life at full speed, and whole-hearted loves adventure. This can be to his/her detriment as the Owl can be reckless, careless, and thoughtless. Owls make great artists, teachers, and conservationists. However, due to his/her adaptability and versatility – the Owl would likely excel in any occupation. In a supportive, nurturing environment the Owl is sensitive, enthusiastic, and an attentive listener. Left to his/her own devices, the Owl can be excessive, overindulgent, bitter, and belligerent.

Goose Native American Animal Symbol Goose: Dec 22 – Jan 19
If you want something done – give it to the Goose. Persevering, dogged, and ambitious to a fault, the Goose sets goals for accomplishment, and always obtains them. The goose is determined to succeed at all cost – not for the approval of other – but those with this Native American animal symbol competes with his/her own internal foe. Driven is the watchword for the Goose's dominating personality trait – which makes them excellent in business and competitive sports. When tempered with supportive, nurturing family and friends, the Goose excels in all things he/she attempts. In a loving environment the Goose can be very passionate, humorous, gregarious, and even sensual. However, left to his/her own devises, the Goose may fall into obsessive or addictive behaviors that will inevitably be his/her demise. 

Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 8:15 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 23 January 2009 9:19 AM EST
Friday, 26 December 2008

Topic: Story:Moving Rocks

Moving Rocks

A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. He had with him his box of cars and trucks, his plastic pail, and a shiny, red plastic shovel. In the process of creating roads and tunnels in the soft sand, he discovered a large rock in the middle of the sandbox.

The boy dug around the rock, managing to dislodge it from the dirt. With a little bit of struggle, he pushed and nudged the rock across the sandbox by using his feet. (He was a very small boy, and the rock was very large.) When the boy got the rock to the edge of the sandbox however, he found that he couldn't roll it up and over the little wall.

Determined, the little boy shoved, pushed, and pried, but every time he thought he had made some progress, the rock tipped and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy grunted, struggled, pushed, & shoved; but his only reward was to have the rock roll back, smashing his chubby fingers.

Finally he burst into tears of frustration. All this time the boy's father watched from his living room window as the drama unfolded. At the moment the tears fell, a large shadow fell across the boy and the sandbox. It was the boy's father. Gently but firmly he said,

"Son, why didn't you use all the strength that you had available?"

Defeated, the boy sobbed back,

"But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had!"

"No, son," corrected the father kindly.

"You didn't use all the strength you had. You didn't ask me."

With that the father reached down, picked up the rock and removed it from the sandbox.

Do you have "rocks" in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you don't have what it takes to lift them? There is One who is always available to us and willing to give us the strength we need. Isn't it funny how we try so hard to do things ourselves.


Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 5:15 AM EST
Topic: Points of crisis


Features.jpg (269133 bytes)


Artwork by Janaka


by Gary Springfield

The word initiation means to initiate action with impeccability, the synonym of impeccability being purity of heart. In our spiritual growth the initiations that we pass through are successive periods of spiritual tension, also known as points of crisis, where we learn how to embody more of the three divine qualities of power, wisdom and love. When we successively pass through these points of crisis our actions are then initiated from a higher place in consciousness that is ever more pure, loving and wise.

In some spiritual teachings and wisdom schools they enumerate the minor initiations where you are taught how to release some of the grosser aspects of the personality such as aggressiveness, moodiness, and emotionality in general. This is all well and good, but once we have stepped onto the path of spirituality, and have made a commitment to walk the narrow path that leads to the inner Christ, then goodness, grace, and love should already be a major part of our self-expression.

For our study here we will discuss the major initiations, which are four in number and are called the birth, the baptism, enlightenment and transfiguration. These lead to the fifth initiation which is the level of the Master who can no longer be limited and over shadowed even by our physical world of form. Like Christ, these individuals heal the ill and infirm, are able to manifest loaves and fishes and even raise the dead. The Master is able to traverse the spiritual realms of light, as well as the physical realms, in full consciousness and is the custodian of arch-typical information that sets the stage for the evolutionary awakening of mankind for thousands of years in the future.

It is said that over two thousand years ago there was a divine plan that was set in motion by the Masters of the Wisdom that began to prepare the land, that we now know as America, for the unfolding of a new life wave of humanity. In this grand scheme brave Souls would sail the seas and discover a New World where the virtues of truth, demoracry and freedom could be embodied for the first time in Earth’s history. Through subsequent conflict and crisis this new and vibrant seed would be called upon to spread the word of freedom throughout the world and, overtime, this would eventually usher in the new Golden Age of Peace on Earth. We are the progeny of this seed and through our spiritual awakening and transformation the divine flowers of wisdom, love and joy are blooming in our hearts and minds. This sweet perfume, of spiritual hope for the world, is now wafting through the ethers, inviting all of humanity into a place of peace and plenitude.

In the major initiations the first initiation is called the birth of the Christ child. It is during this point of spiritual training that we, as the now awakened and indwelling Soul, begin to impose a new rhythm of balance and harmony upon the physical body. Up until now the physical body has often been an automaton that has demanded that it’s baser appetites of food, drink, sexuality and sensuality be fed at its whim and desire. With the awakening of the indwelling spirit, or Soul, you learn how to monitor and watch the physical body, feeding it foods that are higher vibrational and more appropriate for spiritual development. The monkey mind of superfluous thoughts and inane chatter is trained through meditation and spiritual practices to rest within this new found silence as an instrument of the Soul. Even sexual energy is no longer squandered for the shear pleasure of the experience and it slowly evolves to become an intimate sharing of communion and union between two Souls. These individuals have learned how to love themselves first of all and, with that love, share it….rather than give it away in a chimerical need to be validated and accepted.

At the same time within the second chakra, which is a hands breadth below the navel, as well as the symbolic area of the womb in both men and women, you can begin to feel the stirring of a new life force. This is the awakening and the birth of the magical child within you. Up until now most people have lived from their woundedness; needing to be validated and accepted by someone or something in the outer world in order to feel good enough about themselves. In our society the unresolved wounds of childhood create the proverbially masks that people wear in order to make themselves good enough in the eyes of family, friends or the world. Money, power, sex and glamour are the acceptable masks of society while the dysfunctional masks of drugs, alcohol, obesity and psychological disorders are condemned. Nonetheless, all of these masks are but a call for love from a magical child-like part of each human being that wanted to be unconditionally loved just for who they are and not for what they do.

When we begin to recognize and love the inner child we reconnect with that pure and perfect essence that was seeded into the child at our biological birth. This is the Divine light of the Soul that is symbolic of the inner Christ. Your mother and father prepared a physical body, but the authentic life force that animated the physical body is the indwelling spirit that descended from the wisdom realm of the Soul. The first initiation is the reawakening of this Divine essence within you through your own power, wisdom and love. With this birth initiation you are now called forth to become the mother and the father of the newly awakened inner child. With great patience, dedication and spiritual resolve you will nurture and grow this Divine child within you until, eventually, it will grow forth to become one of the awakened Sons and Daughters in Christ.

This is why you, as the awakening Soul, must now impose a new rhythm of harmony and balance upon the physical body through meditation, emotional clearing and yoga, which means focused movement of the body, so that it might become a fitting temple wherein the pure light of the Soul might dwell. This will be the temple not made with hands, but a living temple made in heaven through the power and love of the indwelling Christ.


Gary Springfield is a visionary, spiritual teacher, healer and meditation master who has dedicated his life to the path of enlightenment.  The purpose of his work is to help individuals achieve the mystical marriage between spirit and matter, which creates Divine Alchemy. This allows the light of the Soul, as spirit, to live fully integrated within form.

Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 4:41 AM EST
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Thoughts: Positive (Good) Versus Negative (Bad)
Topic: Thoughts:Good Vs. Bad

 by Susan


A Clearer Understanding "Good"/"Bad  "Negative"/Positivef Thoughts:

Hopefully you will find here a clearer understanding of the definition of Positive (Good) Thoughts and Negative (Bad) Thoughts so that we might better understand ourselves, others, our behaviors, our community, our world, our interactions with others and our chosen lifestyle. 

It is my perception that each of us has the right, freedom and responsibility to choose what path we take in Life and our beliefs.     Because of that freedom we, alone, are held accountable for the choices we make and suffer the consequences whether it be good or bad.

 I personally find this to be a good test for me in making decisions pertaining to my daily life, my thoughts, my actions, my interaction with my community, my friends, my family, my relationships, mankind in general, my personal beliefs regarding religion, God, (Higher Being) and the personal choice of lifestyle that works best for me.  

I find that whatever I am focused on whether it is thought or deed does not bring harm to anyone or anything on this planet and produces good then it is the right thing for me to do.  However, if it brings hurt, injury, pain, suffering or degrades another in any way then I choose not to engage in it.  

“A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”

 Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)


Definition of Positive (adjective)

free from doubt or hesitation characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty; Having a real position, existence, or energy; existing in fact; real; actual;. Persuaded of; very sure; involving advantage or good; "a plus (or positive) factor" [syn: plus]

Positive (adj) Definition: beneficial, helpful

Antonyms: disadvantageous, negative, unhelpful

Positive (adj)Definition: definite, certain

Antonyms: doubtful, indefinite, negative, uncertain, unsure


Definition Of Good:

Good- ( noun)    Something that contributes to or increases one's well-being: advantage, benefit, interest (often used in plural), profit;: The quality or state of being morally sound: goodness, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtue, virtuousness.      *Also see right/wrong.

Good(adj) Definition: authentic, real

Antonyms: fake, false, forged, phony, unreal

Good (adj) Definition: competent, skilled

Antonyms: incompetent, unqualified, unskilled, unsuitable

Good(adj) Definition: considerable

Antonyms: inconsequential, inconsiderable, unsatisfactory

Good(adj) Definition: kind, giving

Antonyms: bad, mean, unkind, vicious

Good (adj) Definition: moral, virtuous

Antonyms: evil, immoral, improper, naughty, noxious, sinful, unvirtuous, vile, wicked

Good (adj) Definition: pleasant, fine

Antonyms: bad, detestable, disagreeable, unpleasant

Good (adjDefinition: reliable; untainted

Antonyms: corrupt, noxious, rotten, tainted, unreliable, unwholesome


Definition Of Negative: having a bad, detrimental or injurious influence;

 Sometimes used as an alternate way of saying "no" (the opposite of "affirmative")

  1. Designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions; "negative criticism"[syn: damaging] a reply of denial; To refuse to approve; veto.
  2. To deny; contradict.
  3. To demonstrate to be false; disprove.
  4. To counteract or neutralize.

Negative (adjective)

Tending to discourage, retard, or make more difficult: adverse, disadvantageous, unadvantageous, unfavorable, unsatisfactory, untoward.


Negative (adj): bad, contradictory
Opposite : affirmative, good, positive
Negative (adj) : contradiction
Opposite: affirmation, positive


Definition of Bad:

 Bad-adj Below a standard of quality;Morally objectionable;Misbehaving, often in a troublesome way;

Bad (adj)Definition: decayed

Antonyms: good, ok, undecayed

Bad (adj) Definition: harmful

Opposite (antonyms): advantageous, beneficial, benevolent, good, honest, profitable, virtuous

Bad (adj)Definition: immoral

Antonyms: good, honest, just, reputable, right, true, virtuous

Bad (adj) Definition: of poor quality

Antonyms: acceptable, excellent, good, satisfactory, superior, worthy

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”   Winston Churchill quotes (British Orator, Author and Prime Minister during World War II. 1874-1965)

“The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.” -

 Benjamin Franklin quotes (American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer and Inventor. 1706-1790)

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”-

 W. Clement Stone quotes (American best selling Author and Founder of Combined Insurance Co (now a part of Aon Corp.), 1902-2002)

“It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.”-

 Robert H. Schuller quotes (American Reformed Church Minister, Entrepreneur and Author, b. b.1926)


Posted by Susan@Healing Journeys at 5:12 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 December 2008 5:42 AM EST

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